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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Sunday, November 23, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 8:01 AM


-fana. 0004hrs,24nov2008.

Saturday, November 22, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 7:02 AM

hey everyone !
i've been so damn busy dis two days so im very sry if i didnt update !
sry hazmie smalam fana tk update !
too tired and too busy.
well, its okay, tdy is going to be a super long post !
mostly with pictures !:D
heheheh, lets start from yesterday morning.

woke up arnd 6.15am.
got ready for sch;D
and went to netball !
so semangat yesterday !
hahah was very hyper and crazy as usual.
but i forgot to bring my bottle.
den tkde kedai pat sch.
so i gotta drink from water cooler EVERYTIME !
leceh beb.
hmm, so had training and FYI i was NOT late beybeh !
hahah, early by 10mins!
hahah gd not?
improvement baybeh !
hahah, after training, rushed home cos i tot we were having study grp.
but cancelled due to sum reasons which i forgot.
so nad came over den off to syafiq hse to see luggage;D
after dat off to nad's hse.
cleaned her luggage and back to syafiq's hse with her luggage.
took syaf luggages and to MY HSE !
hehe, dropped the luggages here, syaf go kubor kan lps tuh?
hahhahaha !
rite, den nad lepak at my hse.
packed sum stuff with her.
here are the pics;D


well, at night sent her off and went home to rest a while.
arnd 20 mins, sufy saufy came over ot my hse.
took luggages and off home;D
hahah, dats wen i slpt !
penat sey !
so damn tired since morning !

hehe, so !
tdy rite, i woke up arnd 8.45am.
and i had the worst dream ever !
or shud i say nitemare !
it has smtg to do with u hazmie.
very sad.

hmms, so quickly cleaned the hse.
mcm maid kan?haha.
kemas ayah's baju2.
lipat2 alek.
penat seh !
den eat, arnd 1plus left the hse to sch !
btw, tdy we having performance at boon lay shopping centre.
hahah, the place VERY NICE YOU KNOW !
hahahahah , right.
k fine, suppose to reach sch by 3.30pm.
but we reached rather early, arnd 2.30pm.
gates were locked.
the only soul we saw in sch was the security guard.
the mepek one, i shud say.
hahaha, tak bagi kite masok.
locked all the gates.
dah lah panas!
bacen !
hahah, nad climbed the gates, like wad i did dat time ;X
hahaha, den the guard came and saw her inside.
so called teacher lahh semua.
mepek uhh !
den dia open the gate for us.
tpi nad kene, sry NAD !
our ckg tk mrh, yg guard tu uhh.
kecohh sey !
haha, so yeahh, make up, load the things and off to boon lay ~
gerek !


after the performance off to new sch !
hahah since dah mlm, so gelap giyler !
haha kecoh beb !
kite angkat brg2 to lvl 3 !
and klu ringan tkpe !
hahah, we, alone, in the new sch, with no one arnd !
hahah wad u expect?
kite dah kecoh2 uhh !
dasyat !
hahha me and diy ahh.
combine forces again, mmg dasyat !
ah moi, meenachi and the newest!, mee -nah !
hahahha. our talk ruled the night !
hahah rite guys?
mmg, bes.
so very the kecoh.
with the camwhores in toilet, outside toilet, in class, staircases.
hahahah !
ckp pun join !
itu yg bes!
i tell u, my frends mmg gerek !
haha i know they will agree.
so yeahh, we girls decided to scare the guys !
bes !
haha depan2 kan rmbt !
den bler pat nak terperanjatkan, ckg kluar dulU !
hahah dia terpekik !
hahha maghrib2 lak tu !
mmg dasyat lahh !
perangai tak senonoh tol !
well, enuf talk.
see the pictures beybeh !


sry gmbr senget !
and and soo happy rite now !
kay going to chat with hazmie;D
his online !!!
tc evryone !

Thursday, November 20, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 4:35 AM

heyhey !
today started off pretty well !
woke up in front of the tv, with mtv channel.
hahahha !
the song lovebug woke me up:D damn nice.
bgn, golek2.
hahah, PEMALAS BTOL! ( like wad hazmie say;D)
hahahha, mmg2 i admit.
today im lazy, very lazy.
mom not home so lehh cam gitu uhh.
klu tk, kene tengking uhh, kene bgn kemas umah!
hahah brother still slping, sister ngah ngok mtv;D
so yeahh, golek2.
den wen mom alek, lekas2, act tgh kemas.
oh yeah, b4 dat i went to eat;D gi dapur amek roti:D
den mom alek, bwk roti pratak.
radak lagi !
hahhahahahha :D
bes morning ever !
btw i brush my teeth alrd kay ~
tapi lum mandi !
after dat, mus clean the house.
haiyo, but nvm.
used to it.
and den i bathe and get ready for sch.
dis morning, i decided to kpo2 gi my sis sch.
see her get results and at the same time visit my long last sch.
and teachers of cos ~
and alot of teacher recognised me !
good2 ~
hhahahaha, ubut nadiah,hmm.
ur face changed alot alrd lahh ~
hahahha, ckg byk lupe .
so sad !
hahha, but ur ezlink helped them ryte?
and talked with ckg zaleha a while!
she was my p6 teacher!
hahahah. later i post sum pics for u all.
and to my sis, 211 aite.
its okay, u dnt need to compare ur results with me and brother.
everyone has our own special something.
maybe not dis time round for u.
try again kay?
and dont let it pull ur semangat man !
hahahha, i will try to help u along the way.
and woodlands ring sec is not bad.
listen to dad and u will go far;D
dont join the sch jus becos of soccer.
cos it will lead u to nowhere.
at wrss, alot of my frends are there to help to see u:D



here are sum pics i took in the pri sch;D

and yeahh, after dat off to sch.
as usual, late !
hahha, now , we were super late !
cos wen we reached sch, they were done with gamelan prac;D
but its okay.
so i decided not to waste time in sch, thus.
i learn how to play GUITAR !
hahah, yes, i know how to play the song lucky, abit !
hahaha, u happy to hear dat hazmie;D
i love you boy;D

here are sum pics;D


ohh and if u ask wads up with the carebear.
its nadiah's !
and its damn cute !
hahaha, i kissed it so many times alrd.
hahahha take dat nadiah !!

4 more days, till i could hear you voice dear boy;D
come back quick and i shall shower u with love.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 3:28 AM

Started off with a bad start today i might say.
soo bad, hahahhah !
supposingly, i shud reach sch by 8.
but guess wad, i woke up at 8 ! ;D
hahahahhahah !
but i rmbred i woke up at 6.15 am wen my alarmed rang.
but i think i woke up, turned it off, switched on the ceiling fan, and slpt.
hahhahahah ! usual routine.
normally, theres sumone to wake me up,
like my mom, or hazmie;D
hahhaha, but mom's still asleep.
and hazmie, is at THAILAND!
and and i miss him like crazy.
esp the pooh, and i know he always slps with pooh, rite?
hehe , damn cute:D

dear boy, wen u get back, we shall sing another song alryte?
cos im going off very soon after you get back to spore.
and then wen i return, its nearing to HARI RAYA HAJI.
comfirm busy, and maybe u have to balik kampong, rite?
haiz, miss you alot .
i wanna see you smile again, and watch the moon with you:D

okay, enuf, today was CRAZY !!!
hahah, k fine, i reached sch arnd 8 plus nearing to 9.
and coach still havent reach so i felt much much better.
rush and warmed up, den joined the team doing drills.
after a while Mr tay came, ahahha and janelle!
ur good at imitating dat uncle's voice yeah?
hahahhaha ! damn funny.
i still laugh like crazy wen im thinking about it;D
hahahha, and oh yeah.

to nadiah,

sry the cake and all were last minute.
well you know us, very unorganised rite?
hahah, and oh yeah, 2.10 pple !
you shud know wad im talking about !
at 1 plus. started gamelan prac.
went so many rounds till we got sick and tired of our own instruments.
me and diy played the gongs tgt;D
hahahahh ~ very fun anf funny !
i was laughing all the way man !~
combine forces with diyanah never fail to make me laugh till my guts come out;D
hehehhehe, well too exaggerating i shud say.
gpa after dat, and still, our craziness continues.
hahhaha !
btw, my neck hurts, real bad !
i think i shud go back slping in my room.
dnt wanna strain it, cos i think wen i slp on the couch, its straining my neck.
plus, i have limited space to move.
i need a massage !
help me, sumone.
and i'll pay you.
see how desperate i am !
hahahha, k stp it fana.
no pic stdy.
actually there is, but not in my fon.
so gotta get it frm her first.
so for now, chao !

i miss you so much !

Tuesday, November 18, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 4:32 AM

heyhey !
started off the day with my com.
haha ! my friends called me since last nite 12a.m. abt the blog.
so gotta repair it, and turns out, the error is very tiny.
but it kinda affect the whole blog !

so after dat rushed to eat prata which my mom jus bought!
sedap;D so long since i ate prata.
and then, cleaned the house and off to school !
as usual, im late !
an hour late for randai;D
hehehe, standard uhh, tk pernah awal nor on time !
and just after i reach sch, sufy, saufy, nadiah and syafiq jut reached too.
they planned to continue the polishing.
hahha, i joined for a while.
got tired, so went to shop with amirul and diy.
hahah, wanted to eat burger and fries.
then i tot, whyy not buy happy meal rite? get xtra drink and toy;D
hehehehe, so wen i ordered, the person asked,
"is dis for you?do you need the toy?"
hahhaha, was rather shy to admit it was for me, so i said,
"no, its for my sis at home;D"
with a smile !
hehehhe,rugi sehh tk dpt toy!
kk sry.
so anw, went back to sch and hang out with frends for a while.
played touchdown, smtg like rugby.
mixture of girls and boys.
hahaha, and with our giylerness !
hahha conbine forces, become very rough, crazy, and damn tiring.
not becos of the running, bcos of the shouting and laughing !
hahahha, and and !
i got pushed and hit my head HARD on the ground !
damn ! sakit giylerr !
bangun je, everything was upside down.
so i closed my eyes and my head berdenyut2.
sakit ! vp saw, teachers saw !
hahaha, they asked to stop playing, so we did.
but i couldnt stand up nor get sit down.
sakit ! but i had to but wen i did, mabok!
and yeahh, i scratched my leg again );
and guess u pushed me?
hehehheheh, u shud know.
hahah after a while, i sat down. and stand up.
dah okay ckit, terus jadi giyler2 nan diy.
start uh our, "ah moi uh "
hehehhehehe, then straight to gamelan.
mabok uhh, and pening.
tpi i managed to pull thru.
after gamelan, back to normal.
jadi giyler2 nan my frends.
main bola, v.ball and many2.
hahahhaha bes jgk !
sampai kene halau.
went to sheng siong to buy stuff and hang out at cwp jap with diy and nad to talk2.
after dat straigth home !
kinda fun uhh tdk.
damn alot of funny things happened.
here are sum pics.


In the toilet beybeh !


gamelan beybeh ! hahahah.

oh and to you know who, i shall not interfere with ur life alrd.
do wtv u want and i do wtv i wan.
be happy with her and i know im happy with him.
so fine !
i dont care, if dats wad u want.

AWK ! sye dah rindu awk.
awk tau tak, smalm sye naik bus, tgh ngantok2.
den tertdo.
and den wen the bus stop at one stop.
i smelled sumone using ur perfume !
den fana terbgn !
terigt awk !
glad to know ur doing fine;D
and every nite, sblm fana tdo kan,
i will look out the window to ur hse.
hahhah ! mane tau blh lps kan rindu.
heheh, come back quick !

Monday, November 17, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 4:52 AM

AWK ! sye rindu awk.
cpt alek dgn selamat, semoga awk pat sane sihat2 saje.
fana btol2 rindu awk.
and sry if the last msg u sent me wasn't replied.
was caught up with smtg just now.
besides him going away for 1 week,
sum other things too happened today .
had damn alot of fun with them !
went to sch at 9 in the morn, went for the sports wksh.
wen it was done, met my other frends at ML2 and started our daily slacking there;D
rather funny sehh !
hahah, bought food.
and after we ate, played dis scary yet funny game.
everyone, or may i say, sufy, shouted like a GIRL !
hahahhahahahha. yeahh, gotta admit, it was scary the first time round.
after dat, played table tennis with diy.
hahaha started the chinese talk.
v. funny ! and then ckg sazali ajak gi skolahh baru !
happy man !
wana see the sports hall !
hahahhahaah, camwhore alot at the new campus !
kk i shall upload the pics now. and stop talking;D


hahahhaha, v looking forward to go to sch next year!:D

btw, to you know who, i miss you;D
once again, i love you aite !:D
