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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Tuesday, October 28, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 5:36 AM

hey hey !
so long since i've posted and deres alot to say.
the good and the bad, all happened and with the help of god, i managed to pull thru even tho i knw its not over yet. deres still more to come and i gotta be ready for anything. i got to always rmbr no matter how lonely we feel we are, or how bad the condition we are in, deres always god in our lives who is willing to help us anytime and give his blessing for us. and us only, those who ask for it and those who really believe dat god looks over us. i've heard alot of stories of life which i find very intresting.
sumtimes, we just gotta sit back and think, no matter how long it takes, just think and think thru. and definitely, the light will come and shine on you , and dats when u realise, sumthings are meant to happen and we cant force ourselves to stop it, cos dats life, its all planned out by god. we can only plan, but no one knows wad will really happen.
i've met new frends, got back with old frends, tighten frendships, and many more dis few days. and i begin to see wads life. wad has life planned for me. no one knws, we can only see and feel but wad happens later, only god knws;D
i'm very luck now to have gd frends around me. and im very very happy to be frends again with my ex. i wanna see u happy. and im really sry if i dnt have feelings for u like b4 anymore okeh. i cnt control my feelings, i nid to find myself. im still trapped in the mirror world, where i see myself, and who i've become but i have not seen wad i'm capable of and i dnt wanna act liek sumone im not, cos dats just not me. and im sure no one wants to see me acting like a totally different person. all i want is time, and mre time to think. i hpe u understand.

Thursday, October 16, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 5:49 AM

hey, so long since i've posted and now, so much to tell !

first of all, HARI RAYA HERE :D

haha, its a bit belated but heck, its still hari raya !

hahahah, went jln raye with frends quite a few times, and it was damn gerek.

with hazmie and frends and my own schmates, we had tonnes of fun! ahah of cos laughter !

hmm, apelagi, dah name hari raye, makan uhh byk!

hse after hse, all we do is eat, eat and eat !

muahahah ! lagi2 qith my schmates.

almost every hse kite mencekik je !

mcm tk heran gemuk ke tak !

haha, bkn mcm uhh, mmg pun;D

and yeah, collecting money;D

hahaha, hmms, deres sum pics for u peeps;D

enjoy !

Monday, October 06, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 1:53 AM

oh boy, i do love you, so dearly.
in my heart, there's only your name carved in it.
no one else.
i guess love os a very complicated word.
you may never knw wad lies in that word which u need in ur life.
for its very important to me now.
wad is love?
can i knw, oh boy.
tell me, tell me all i need to knw about love would you.
and do me a favour and dont only think about urself.
cos i've heard, stuff.
stuff which i nvr wan it to happen to me.
love, is lust, to sum pple.
to girls, love is the heart.
but to boys love is lust.
i m not generalising, cos i knw sum are nt like dat.
i got frends, who do knw how to appreciate girls.
like how they appreciate life, and the pple around them.
and not blame pple for the hatred they always feel in them.
but nt blame themselves.
oh boy, why must dis always happen.
oke, i cried, oh boy.
i cried for promise, nvr exist in you.
it nvr happen wen u say u promise.
i really wan2 make u realise this, for im planning to have a long relationship with you.
but not having problems similar to this anymore.

oke fine.
we're frends!
yay, im happy to hear that kay.
but pls, no more mixed feelings frm you please.
i only love one person for now.
& his the only one who can brighten my life for now.
for i he loved me so dearly&
i love him.

you care so much about people but not yourself.have u ever heard that u got to love yourself before loving others?don't put your heart on the shelfor it will dust but you still won't botheryou still care so much about others.you sacrifice just to see them smile.even if it affect you.your smile, your heart, your reputation.It will be gone in a motion.You just don't realize it.so now, sit back and wonder.its time for you to ponder.what is it that you really want.and move on only when you're done.when you got the answer in handthat is the time you set your randknowing what will hurt and what not.then you find your self free from the knot (:

thats wad sumone wrote for me, and i would really like to thank him so very much for helping me kays?
i owe you one, definitely boy !
i made up with my bf, cos he helped me to gain my confidence about myself.
and to knw the limit, to care for sumone, is also a process of realising that i need that much attention too.

dnt repeat fana, and thanks hazmie.
