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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Wednesday, August 20, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 6:09 PM

210808 and arnd 9 mre days to ramadhan!
a month full of surprises and unexpected things.
looking forward to it !
plus, after dat, its, HARI RAYA !
hehe, okeoke.
nw back to schwork.
hmms, have nt been doing well for sum subs.
got back my emaths, physics, bio, hist and malay.
and got 2 As, 2Cs and one fail.
god, help.
but nvm, its always a learning process.
and whenever failure cums, there ought to have mistakes dne
and we learn frm them
dats wad makes us strong.
cos rite, imagine iof you're the cleverest person in the world.
and you are put in a quest in the jungle.
and u are suppose to find ur way out and u have ntg but the clotes on ur back, wad will u do?
u wont knw wad is happening or wad is going to heppen.
and u will definitely have to face challenges and problems completeing that quest even tho u are super clever.
cos u dnt knw dat place.
u dnt have any experience there.
and all u can do its try ur luck.
and when it fails, u learn from them.
and not repeat it.
finally, u will succeed after u have overcome all those challenges.
and thats wad makes u strong.
u will fell strong.
and proud that u have achieved smtg with ur own effort, by discovering things u dnt knw.
so yeah, dats life.
hehe, gtg

Monday, August 18, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 5:30 AM

heyhey !


but it does not mean slacking starts, it just simply means a new term coming, new events, new things, new topic and new challenges !
haha, gotta always be ready to face anything in life, and if ur lost, just take some time to sit down, and think & think & think until ur bored of it, and eventually , smtg will come to u, hehe !
but its true, but im nt asking u to day dream.
but unfortunately, nw, we dnt really have the glory and TIME to do alllll dat.
to just rest for a day is like wasting much precious time.
godd, o lvl preparation is going to start really2 soon,
and the potential of me going crazy mre often is also getting high!
so anyways, tdy ast 2 papers, which i dnt think i did well, cos i didnt study enuf !
got back e maths, and mre papers tml;D
wee~ cnt wait for it NOT !
hahah ! i wish they would just burn it or recycle it, dnt nid to give us back.
haha !
had training tdy, and my knee hurt oh so badly.
dno why, but its rather painful.
so yeah, gotta rest !
hehe, gtg !
&& I MISS HIM ! D;

Thursday, August 14, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 2:50 AM

a week of troubles.
everything's not right agian.but i knw, there is sure to be a reason behind all of this.
i wan to ! and i will, my dear. for i care so much about you, and i wan u to realise wad life is really about.
pple always say 'enjoy life' but do anyone knw wad life is really about.
life is actually a period of time to test pple.to test everything pple need and pple have to have.
tests of which sum pple cant bear to go thru and just give up, why do u think pple commit suicide?
its all becos of these tests which god had laid for us, and everyone has different kinds of test.
wen u walk out of you home, u see human beings, all with different stories of life, different problems in different situations.
but have dey all tried asking b4 why? why does all this happen, there must be a reason for it.
and tell u the truth, im not great enuf to knw too.
im like u ad me.
i have feelings, i have emotions.
i do cry, i do laugh.
but i have a reason for doing dat.
and the reasons might nt be the same as other.
but im not great enuf to knw everyone's.
but i do knw, about urs.
u are still lost my dear.
in a world i couldn't enter.
and solve all the problems within.
but i really wish i could.
for i care for you.
and i do not wish to see u, have to go thru every bits of ur life like dat.
as u are my dear.
who i wish to spend my life with.
but ur world, is just too dangerous and mysterious.
dat i cant even undestand.
some of the things you do sumtimes.
but i still.
love you.

Monday, August 11, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 4:53 AM


i dno wat to say alrd.
your words just simply hurt me.
i dno wad to do, cos every move i make, every word i say, hurts you.
maybe to you, those 3 golden words came out from my mouth cos i simply loveeeeeeee to say it.
but i say it and i mean it.
i do, i just dno how to express it any other way.
cos i suck at this.
i suck i relationships.
i suck in eveything.
i hurt u all the time, i always say the worngs things, and everyhting i do, isn't right in ur eyes.
i dont feel wrong wen i do smtg cos i dno it hurts u !
i swear, i dont.
i suck, and im sry.
the last thing u said to me, "u dun sound like u care bout me anymore..tell u the trhut my heart is aching badly now.."
u dnt think my heart hurts is it?
in the first place, i dnot love u.wen i accepted u i admit, i dnt love .
i do had sum feelings for u, but nt love.
i donot like that guy as much alrd.
but u succeded in stealing my heart away and lock it into urs.
u did ! and i love u for dat.
cos i learnt how to love u.
i learnt how to appreciate sumone whu cares so much for me.
i learnt all that frm u.
even with my parents, i dnt feel i appreciate them like hw i do to u.
i love u &i wan u &i need u.
it all just sound so damn easy for everyone else but im actually suffering now !
i did nt ever tell anyone about mytrue feelings ! like hw i do nw.
cos i feel i have to let go !
i dnt wan to keep everyhting trapped in my heart until the point i cant take it nomore.
its nt going to be nice.
in life, we must learn to knw wad cums first.
and light heartedly, i put u first, in front of everything else.
but i was wrong, i shud have nt dne dat.
cos if i do dat, its means, studies, families, and everything else cums in second.
which is just simply unfair.
they've knwn me longer, they've beared wih me longer.
why shud i do dat to them, puting them second.
so, i decided to put everyone as important.
eveyone and everything on one level.
and now, i failed to do anything right.
neither my studies, nor relationships nor family!
everthing ruined.
i knw dat had happened, but i jus went on.
wen relationships went bad, i jus stayed on, and try to make things better.
wen i suck at my studies, i do my best to improve,
wen i had a strain relationship with my family, i try to spend mre time at hmw.
wen my performance at cca is nt as expected, i do my best to keep trying and training hard.
but to achieve all those things i want, NOT FOR ME, but to make eveyone else happy, I END UP SCREWING EVERYTHING UP !
i fought with my bf, i failed exams, i didnt do well in netball , and i fought with my mom.
i suck man, suck !
in order to achieve smtg, i've gt to sacrifice smtg.
dats wad i learnt.
in order to spend time on my cca, i've got to sacrifice time frm my studies, bf and family.
in order to spend time with my bf, i;ve got to sacrifice time frm my studies, family and cca.
and it just goes on & on& on....
i love everything so much until the point i lose them.
so nw i sit here, thinking, WAD I WANT?
and i realise, i really love everything.
and everyone.
i dnt wan2 lose any of them.
i tried too hard to be the best.
to impress everyone.
to satisfy everyone.
i dont think of my feelings, my time, my health.
i just do wad i think was right.
i face everything in life with a smile.
but at times, i just break down , and cry.
no one knws,except god.
oh god, help me.
i dnt wan2 lose anything.
i love HIM!
pls, show me the way out of this!
wad can i do?
wad can i say?
evrything's simply nt right rite nw, with u and me.
i dnt blame u.
i dnt blame my mom.
i blame myself.
cos life is all about making choices AND I MADE A WRONG ONE.
i suck,i really do.
let me just be myself without eveything for a few days.
i just dnt wanna knw about anythign nw.
just leave me alone, let me suffer and punish myself.
for all the wrong deeds ive dne.
cos i suck!

fana HandWritten on; 4:42 AM

o9o8o8 !

had damn alot of fun.
the plan was to watch FIREWORKS ! at esplanade, but in the end, we couldn't even get to the esplanade.
with alot of pple crowding outside, all to watch the fireworks !
saw nizar and his frend;D
hehe, so just joined them.
& & excuse me for beingbad at taking photos!
met alot of bpians dere !;D
so, after that, wanted to eat but it was so packed dat we had to squeeze our way thru almost everywhere.
so in the end, we ate at orchard;D
hehe, after dat went HOME:D!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 9:47 PM

o6o8o8 <3


its been a while since i've postedand alot has been going on,
like for example OUR 14 months just came!
hehe, its rather late cos yeaterday, i cant use the com cos i'm SICK and have alot of things to cover for tests!
so i've decided to post during dis 1 hr of hmt lesson !
hehe, shhhs.
im actually suppose to do mly stuff, but hai, lazy.
anyways, i'm dead giddy and i cant do anything.
so eyahh, anyway, boffie's off for ncc and tdy after sch i guess i'm just going hme straight.
oh yah, thx for the phone !:D
i love it, cos cos i've been wanting a slide fon!
but if u wan it back, just say okes;D
i'll be willing to give back, cos its urs.
hmms, NDP TML !
wee~ going to be a longgg weekend !
oh gosh, my brother's condition seems to be getting worse, god help me.
i really pity him.
since he has to go thru all this in his graduating yr !
hai... all i can do is pray for him.
hmm, ndp, i wanna go watch the fireworks, at the same time, i wanna go watch the parade, and at the same time i wanna spend time with HIM, so i dono now, i cant decide.
and i love him ;D

gosh ! i'm not totally ready !
ss& hist !
god !
wanan buck up, start revising oke !
oke oke, gotta start on my assignment nw;D
tc& i love him;D

Sunday, August 03, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 5:45 AM

heyhey !
hai, yesterday was really sad and sickening, at least for me.
i did not perform as expected.
hai, was really fustrated with myself.
but nvm, cant change wad's dne.
anyway went to johor tdy;D
did sum shopping and sum other stuff.
hehe, miss him rite now !
and have loads more hwk to be done !
haii !
so so gtg, i'll update mre wen im free aite !