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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Monday, May 26, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 6:10 AM

heyheyhey !
hehe 26 May 2006.
the most busiest, most tiring day ever, at least for now.
hahaha !
firstly, went to sch in the morning at 9, ate mac((:
den den practiced GPA and den den eat !
den den off to innova !
set up the table for tml event !
den den off to eat again!
hahahha !
now now at home trying to start with hwk !
amirul tdy off to austria !
sry i cant send you !
tc ok there.
jatuh bgn sendiri.
hehe !

Tuesday, May 20, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 4:24 AM

heyys !

2 weeks till OBS(:

can't wait sey.

neways right, i'm really hoping i'm chosen for the New Dehli thingy.

cos i heard its super fun !

yepp, just hope its not expensive.

after OBS gort the NUS camp(:

weee~ sec 3 life is so exciting.

get to go alot of places and attend alot of camps(:


went for chalet at Changi with my dearest teachers and friends !

then, off to ULU TIRAM with my dear frends(:

sooon ! off to Pulau Ubin with my dearest schmates !

after that, off to NUS with my dearest FRENDS!

then hopefully, at the end of the yr ,

oofff to India or INDONESIA !

hahahahhahaha !

just cant wait, its going to be such an expensive yr for me,

go here go there pay here pay there !
but the experience i gain is really meaningful(:

NExt yr,

my bro is starting JC

my sis is starting SEC

my sis is starting PRI

and im stuck at SEC4

sitting for my o lvls(:

hahahhahah !

nice rite?

at least i wont get stressed up with alot dis yr(:


well well.

sec 4 arhs?

hmms, how will i be in sec 4 uhs?

hehe sec 3 oni im struggling in my studies.

esp physics(:

hahah !

nid a tutor ! ASAP(((:

Sunday, May 18, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 4:11 AM

each and everyday i wonder, if all the things i had done had really mean alot to you.
&your attitude changes according to ur mood.
its really heartbreaking to see dat you know, all i want to see whenever i see you is a smile on your face which shows ur happy to meet me. dats all, i nvr asked for anything else.
i care alot about you, pls, appreciate it.
all this while when im pastering you to do things is because i love you& i care alot about you.
sumtimes, i just end up getting scolded.
and im regarded irritating, but its ok. ive nvr held a grudge towards you cos i know, one day you will change.
if you dont wish to change because of me cos its not worth it, at least do it for yourself.
im not even asking you to do it for your family jus think about urself, are you going to cont toturing urself like dis everytime ur moody.
if you dont like it wad makes u think others will?

why do pple these days cant bear to see other's happy?
why must stories rise and hatred form?
in this very short life, why spend it on things we dont have to do.
pple like to look and say but not look, think and say.
by just doing that very one important step, it makes a super big difference in the life of others.
cant u just leave pple to their own things and FYI; PPLE CAN CHANGE.
it does not mean if she was once a bitch, she will always be one.
think before you speak aite cos sumtimes words hurt more than actions.
you can cure the pain you done to a person wen u physically hurt them, but ntg can cure the pain you've cause by the things you say , EXCEPT an APOLOGY.
and i can assure you, its easy to forgive, but not easy to FORGET.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008!
fana HandWritten on; 4:36 AM

exams finally over ! slacking days are about to come(:

hehe today's my physics&biology paper and i tell you my physics paper is SCREWED(:
i've lost 20marks in the section C which i didn't attempt at all and the other sections...hehe dont bother to talk about it.its just hopeless alrd.im hopeless.or rather, my physics is hopeless(:
biology was alright but the MCQ kills.i have no idea what they want at all for some questions.
ohh and my history paper is history. seriously, i didnt do the essay which guaranteed me a fail. so thats it, the end of biology paper was the mark of a happy, stress-free non book related week(: everyone left the hall shouting likes theres no tml and like theres no more paper until the rest of the year. well, its only the mid year pple(: hehe.

well, nevertheless, tml there's going to be interclass games(: hehe that is sure to relieve off all my stress and stop me from thinking about the very unmemorable examination week which i really wish i will forget cos its just too horrible and disgusting.hehe (:

oook till then(: