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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Sunday, August 26, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 8:55 AM


its a SUNDAY !

went out for the whole day.didnt touch hwk until at 10pm.hahs.

i decided to leave oll the other hwk and jus do mly hwk.hahs.
so the story is morning, went to madrasah as per normal.after mad, went to geylang with family to buy hari raya clothes.semangat rites?hahs. yea, my mom say buy now easier. so at 2 plus reached tanjong katong complex.so hungryyy.we went to first lady and bought 8 sets or baju kurong.hahas.total bout $200.oklahs. 2 for me, 2 for my mom, 2 for my sis and 2 for my sis. hmms, worth it.the clothes are nice.den off to arab st to eat since everyone is hungry alrd.ate murtabak, yumyum ! after dat walked arnd arab st to find my dad's and bro's clothes.hmm, finish at about 5plus. went to tekka mall to buy sum groceries.
den off to home.
reached home about 7 plus and dad was like asking me to try my clothes.haiz, so had to try.
after dat, my room was in a mess.full of clothes and other unwanted stuff. so decided to clean the whole entired room.cool rites.hahahs.finished at 9.45.hahs. tiring. den went online to start hwk.hahas.
kklah, im superduper tired now.and i'm suppose to slp at 12.gtg byes !

Saturday, August 25, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:05 AM


sososo sry for not posting(:

hmms, this week is a veryvery interesting week.

ntg much happened except hwks all not done ! nyahahahahs.either its done halfway or not touched at all.no assembly today, so was released at 2.10.and went out with izzat after dat.hmms, i dono y today i'm so hardworking i go borrow broom from next door den sweep the whole class.hahahha.den after sweeping go back to my sit and slp for the whole of next lesson.haha.still rmbred it was eng lesson.hahaha.cos i was fasting and superduper tired after sweeping.haiz.

hmms, ntg much happened today.except i went to the lib to borrow sum books for eng class.yea, we are suppose to borrow at least 2 books from the long lists of books he gave us and read them by the end of the holiday(:its gonna be so fun ! weee~

during sch hrs ntg much happened.had netball today.he had ncc.so didnt go home with him ): training was ok.not so bad except my leg was so cramp cos its been a while since i ran.so yea.oh yah.during hwk period, half the class went for the home ec make up lesson.so yea, only half the class left.and my two frends had their very own wresting in class.and sumone recorded it.hahahha.funny sey.

hmms, had PE and played netball for the whole 1 hr.hahha.den cooked curry for home ec.and my container cracked ! so the curry spilled oll over the floor.thank god she didnt see.i asked help frm my frend to wipe the floor.hahha.and asked her for another container.and the currt taste like ****. hahaha.really no kidding.and after sch went to cck met didi, sylvia & nic with sab while waiting for izzat to finish ncc(:

hah !! a very superduper interesting day.i totally embarassed myself to the next century ! firstly during IT, first period of the day.we had to complete our video taping for the advertisement.so yea.umai and hanafi didnt cum so donno wad to do or set up the cam.hahah.asked raafiq for help.den sumthing happened.i was putting the plug of the bulb into the socket and den, it exploded.hahah.there was sparks and all the coms were automatically switched off.hahah.den wen i saw a spark i was like o oh...and didnt dare to go up.i was under the table where the socket is.and heard a shout from sumone.hahahah.oks..my bulb exploded and destroyed the sockets in the room.den went i went up everyone was like looking at me and my frend said, fana, ape ko buat.haaaah ! so paisey.wad happened? i didnt do anything.i just plugged the plug.even 292 looked at me...haiyoyo..i was like, i didnt do anything ! u noe showing dat face.hahaha.wahh everything i touch explode sey.even the acid i was heating.it exploded and scalded the teacher and my frend's hand.hahahha.so pro rites.haiz, wen i thought that things couldnt have gotten any worse, sumthing else happened during recess.
got attacked by my dearest frends in the hockey pitched in front of everyone ! haiz..haha.nvm lah.
had netball but more of theory work today.went back with izzat(:

went to izyan's hse to watch hsm2. syoik ! den did a lil of hwk den played wrestling.hahhaha.damn funny.nyahahhahahahahha.took videos.and i think my frend gonna upload it in youtube.hahahha.reached home at 6 plus and den used com.haiz, i miss him ):
klahs gtg bye !

Sunday, August 19, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 1:45 AM


wow ! 1 week.thats how long i have not been posting.hahahhahaha.sry i lazy uh, or no time, or ntg to write. hmms lemme see wad i did for this week XD

ntg much happened dis week.monday i was fasting so did ntg much.hmms, den tues hmm, had tesselation but didnt go.we went to taman warisan for a poem reciting thingy.hahahhaha.i fell down agains and hurt my ankle.den wen i shouted, tourist all turned .hahahah.my frend was like saying, she's ok she's ok.hahhaha.funny lah.anyways, reached home at about 8.30.eat den did slp.didnt bother to touch any hwk at all.hahahhaha.

the next day suppose to have training but i had to go for tesselation.den didnt go training cos my dad ask me to go home he wants to urut my leg or smtg.hahahah.
thus again have tesselation.dis time get to use the com and we were all like playing other games instead of listening to the teacher.hahahha.but still manage to do the work given uh.we're gd students.hahahahha.fri no sch.we had the e-learn thingy.learn at home.so at 7.55 had to cum online alrd do stuff online.haiz.not fun cos we must do more stuff.haiz.and sumore cannot see frends.notfunnotfun.hahahha.sat went to lib do project den met him.and today, after sch go lib den go home watch tv and planning to complete the rest of my hwk later.hahahahha.kklah.i dono wad else to write.no mood to post actually.hmms, till next time ! bye !

Saturday, August 11, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:08 AM


ooks.its been a while since i've blogged once again.hehes. hmms, lemme see;


didnt go out at oll.didnt even step out of my hse.hmms, national day whole day watch movies, shows and such.oklah boring also boring but the shows were interesting.lemme list em ks,
1. skyhigh
2. lagi-lagi scenario
3. APM2007
4. drama(forgot the name of the show)
5. NDP(:
6. anakku bukan anakku
7. 100% horror
and i slept at 4.30 am dat day.
cant sleep ;)


i went out today, to buy food.hmms, den sit at home do ntg.i did sum hwk and watched tv.need to take care of my sis so cnt go out): but nvm.hmms, did ntg much today.slept at 12 am.hehe

wohoo finally went out for smtg today.went out with izzat.so bored at home for 2 straight days sey. watched rush hour 3.funny sey.hmms.reached home at 5.did my vocab and malay hwks.hahahha.ok left a few more hwks.hmms, gona do it tonite.oh yah, tonite deres a THE RING ! long time nvr watch alrd.must watch ks?maybe its the eng version.hmms oklah.i like to watch movies esp dis few days wen im super duper extreamly bored.hahahah.klah byes !

Wednesday, August 08, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:02 AM


hello !

monday was ok.got back my history paper.and did rather ok.was satisfied with my history result.ohyah, i slept during history ! and dere was assembly dat day.i slept for the whole 20mins or so.so pro rites.i donno wad they were talking about at oll ! and i really seriously truly dont wanna noe wad dey were talking bout cos i noe its boringg and i dont wanna get involved.hehs.and dat day, was the juniors match with crescent and we lost ): but nvm.dey have alot to learn.went home at bout 7 plus with him(:


had lessons per normal.got back my math and physics papers.for math, im truly dissapointed with my results.i dropped alot ! and for physics, im jus glad i passed((: hmms, had training but had to leave halfway cos need to decorate the stall.and to izzat, thx for the lovely gift ! its soo cute((:


had national day celebration.reached sch at bout 7.den set up the stall and oll.waited for the parade and i can say dat i ENJOYED IT ! i love looking at pple march ! so cool ! it feels like i wanna join dem u noe.the GOH marching was nice ! and the rest was not bad. how cool is it to be in a GOH contigent ! hmms, super cool !hahahhaha.kks.den had bazaar.my stall was selling halal food.hmms oklah.alot of pple bought it.den it was bpian idol !wohoo ! every contestant was great. very close fight.in the end, brendon from 201 got champ.izza got 2nd and IZYAN got 3rd.hahahhaha.i enjoyed myself today.((: hmms, after dat went to nad's hse watch hairspray and den used the com for a while.went home at 4 and i slept on the bus.the aunties were like, 'penat lah tuu' lol !hahah.reached home at 5 and rest until now.so tired and hungry wen i reached home((: hahah ! klah bye !

Sunday, August 05, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 12:27 AM


hmms.its been a few days since i blogged.so i'll tell u guys bout my week ks.

firstly was friday.friday had HMT exam, and i dono how to do the imbuhan part.comfirm alot of mistakes.den after dat was mly and eng.i was so tired and sleepy.den during eng i kept putting my head on my table.den mr tan called me 2 times; FARHANAH, PAY ATTENTION.hhahaha.was going to doze off.so towards the end, we were asked to stand on the chairs and recite a poem.i was so excited to do dat.hahahahs.cos i was so sleepy and i nid sumthing dat involves moving arnd.if not ill be dozing off.hahahha.den after sch had netball.its started at 2.30pm.so had time to watch bpian idol for a while((: weeee ! my class 6 pple entered and out of the 6, 3 got to the finals.so happy.so pround of my class.imagine out of 38 contestants, only 8 will move on and 3 of dem are from 203 ! weee ! cant wait for weds.hehe.and deres a bazaar on weds too((:

during netball, we had sum grp ball drills and after dat played with juniors.hahahha.i sprained my ankle agains ! wohoo ! ahahs.i almost cried.was so painful.den i got muscle cramp wen i sat down.was shouting away.wakakakaka.so fun ! limped all the way home and i tripped wen i got down the bus((:

kks.dats bout friday.sat, i woke up about 10 plus.hahahahs ! so syoik ! can wake up late2..muahhahahas. den planned to go watch ndp with izyan and syahirah.budden izyan suddenly cnt so i asked arnd den finally fazleen followed. hmms, we met at jrg interchange at 2.30pm.we are suppose to be seated at 5 pm.so wen we reached city hall bout 3, we decided to go eat first.wahh, wanna find a place to eat takes 30mins sey. hahahs.sumore my leg still pain den syahirah say i walk like unta.wahh.i cnt help it wad.if i walk like a normal person, it will be painful. hhms, den after eating we were like, OK, NOW HOW TO GO THE NDP PLACE?? hahaha.so clever lah we all.so we called izzat and oh my we got even lost.hahas.we went oll the way behind the millenia walk.hahhaha.wad directions.hahah.so after dat we decided to follow the army pple.den we end up at the at a place where pple are not suppose to enter except for certain pple.hahahhaha.i really exercised my twisted leg.finally wen we got to the place, sat down and waited for the show to start.and it was super long.but worth it cos the parade was SUPER ! omg dat parade was the best.budden after the parade wasnt nice cos no FIRE WORKS !!! but the effects was nice((: hahahah.went back with dem.met izzat, nizar and hafiz behind the esplanade and went home tgt.

hmms today's sunday.went to sch as per normal.den i changed my blogskin cos ntg better to do.hahahs.hope u guys like it.hmms, i have chem and mly hwk.my chem hwk is done and left my mly hwk which im gonna do in a while ks..bye !

Thursday, August 02, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:37 AM


today hmm, had science test.i can say dat i did my best so wtv is the result, im ok with it(: had debate and the proposing team won.congrats.and the guy from 207 won the best speaker. congrats(: haha. anyways, after sch went out with sab, jeremiah& izzat.den met nic and germaine at lot 1. firstl went to library but got chased out.or smtg like dat den we went to nic's hse. arnd 5 plus went home and reached home at 6 plus((: hehe.was super relax today after sch.normally i would be staudying so hardly for the test the next day but today i didnt sey.cos tmrw is mly and i dono wad to study and i really lazy to study.hehe.hmms, tmrw have netball and yea, mly test.so gtg bye !

Wednesday, August 01, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:09 AM

ks pple , i have ntg to post bout my exams.im too stress up to write anything ks.so i jus upload sum carnival photos. =D