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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Monday, July 30, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 7:08 AM


dis week, common test week.i dont feel like its one tho.i slack alot, study last minute and sum of the tests, i dont even plan to study.theres no pressure.i want dat pressure.cos if deres the pressure, it gives me determination to do better and better. today was eng and math.eng was ok.ntg to study.but math, i remembered all the equations but sumhow, durin the tests, i dono how to do the ques.my mind was jammed and cant think of anything.i didnt manage to complete the paper.very sickening le. math was one of my strongest subjects and now, haiz.wad will happen to me sey if i cont to be like dis.slack all the way. end up in NA? or better still, get retained. i need an inspiration.smtg dat can push me a little and den i'll wake up and cont the journey towards the end.jus that little push, will make a big diff.i need scoldings by teachers.i need slaps.tmrw is literature and i can truely say to everyone dat i have no idea wad will cum out for the test.wad's the format and such.ol i noe is dat we need to study on poems and i'm trying my very best to understand each type of poem and even if i still dont understand it, i'll jus memorize each and every word and hopefully dat can help me.haiz, i hate lit so much.its jus so boring.

oh yah.bout the sunday's carnival.

we reached dere bout 7.20 den waited for the rest. sum were late.and we were rushing to register ourselves.the first game was for the bp soleniods.hmms, dey were great thru out the whole carnival.den it was bp dynamite den bp velocity.we had 5 games each and i think for the first round, bp soleniods won all the games.bp dynamite lost all the games and us, bp velocity won 2 games, lost 3 games.bp velocity nearly got into second round.but we lost the final game with mgs den we lost dat one and only chance.but nvm bp netballers !
we will try harder next time and hopefully win.and yea, bp soleniods won 2nd in the carnival ! congrats to them. dey deserved it.

klah.gtg study lit((:
buh-bye !

Friday, July 27, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 11:29 PM

phew, it has been a superduper tiring week ! but the weekend is here so have fun pple !

haaaaaaaaaaaah.everyone can enjoy themsleves in the weekends and slowly study for their exams.but me, im struggling studying for my eng and math in one day cos tmrw i have carnival.see how busy i am.even business pple have no work on sunday but me, have to go carnival.hmms, but i'm kinda looking forward for it.it is gona be so fun ! today my plan is to stay at home and not go out AT ALL and jus realx slowly studying for my exams next week. and im down with a flu. so yea, cant go out even if i want to.

friday was alright.ntg much.had normal lessons and an english essay test.after sch was netball.had friendly with seniors.hmms, wad else uh?ntg much actually.

so yea, ill update again wen im free ks? buh byeeeeeeeeeeee !

Thursday, July 26, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 8:33 AM

wohoo !
4 days i didnt post alrd.so long sey.i'm lazy, tired, or have ntg to post dis few days.lets see, monday i have ntg so went out with him, jeremiah den saw sab and tiara.tues, have ntg so went home.hehe.weds have training and it ended superduper late sey.haiyos...den today went out with him.den met jeremiah, sab, tiara, and their frend, slyvia dere.hmms.oh yah ! PE we palyd badminton.its been quite sum time since i played it.so it was super fun ! cos we like always palyed the same games over and over again.haiz, borin alrd.carnival cuming dis sun and common test next mon.haiyo.stressed up alrd !aiya, late alrd.anyways i lazy to write anymore.k pple ! sry for not posting alot dis few days((:
buh-bye !

Saturday, July 21, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 11:49 PM

im so lazy and tired to post dis few days.
this whole week ever single day i wake up early and return home very late.not enuf sleep, hwk not completed, didnt study for the tests but its oll over.weekends are here.but too bad today i cant relax cos i have a list of hwk to complete.and i just realised my room was in a complete mess cos i didnt even clean up for the whole week.papers and books everywhere.so decided to vacuum and clean the room just now,now it looks better.hmms yesterday went out with my netball family.to celebrate ms lin's burfday.hmms wad else.i totally forgot wad happened last few days alrd.aiya, i lazy to post alrd uh.kklah.if got the netball pics i upload ks.so u all can see.buh-bye !

Thursday, July 19, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:53 AM


had debate in class.got the best 2 speakers in our class but we only need to one so they have to do smtg tmrw to convince the class that they are the best((: gd luck to dem.had training after sch.it rained yesterday so the court was wet.had to dry the court with newspapers.hmms, had friendly with seniors and oh yea, miss yu came yesterday((: long time nvr see her alrd.she looks diff.anyways i wanna say smtg.I PLAYED LIKE CRAP IN THE COURT GAME.dono if was me or if the seniors were so gd.but i shud play better.and i noe i can play better.haiz.didnt catch rebonds and such.and i have very slow recovery.well, dats wad i think i'm weak in.gotta improve.ms lin gonna choose the team very soon and i really want to be part of the team.someone, slap me and wake me up from my dreamland.


early in the morning rain alrd.dono whu go sing.hehe.first period was chem and we learnt sum new stuff.den after dat was math test which i totally screwed up.and den rushed to complete mly hwk.den rushed to do the ethinc costume and script.den rushed to home ec got scolded cos didnt go as a class den chased the bus cos was late for the science thingy.haiyo.today i ran arnd alot.and alot of last min work.cos last nite i didnt do anything ! haiyo.so tired cnt do anything.and oh yea, our sch won merit for the wonders of science thingy.congrats to them((:hmms.klah gtg.
wnna do mly hwk.hehes.bye !

Tuesday, July 17, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:41 AM

today hmms, like any other normal ordinary day.in sch first period was IT. damn boring.we went to the art room dono suppose to do wad.so we played with the photobooth and garage band and gawd it was FUNNY.at least dat was entertaining.we didnt even bothered wad the teacher asked us to do cos i have no idea wad she wants us to do.after dat was eng.did sum readin and since most of us didnt bring our vocab book, my teacher left us to do our own work.so wad else?i jus put my head on the table and rest.hehes.after recess both period we didnt do anything at oll.reading period jus talk2 den history period the teacher was not in sch so we were doing our own stuff.listening to music, playing games and jus talking was wad we did for the whole 1 hr.
after sch straight to lot 1.went to library with him and sum of my frends.den halfway jj cum.went to eat at mc.so hungry sey.the nite b4 i didnt eat much.hehes, tot i didnt have money.so BORROWED from dem budden checked den jus rmbr i brought extra money tday.hehes.se lahh how forgetful i can be at times.walked arnd lot 1 and i jus dicovered deres a 4th storey.hehes.aiya, im so tored now cant type properly.my mom said i'm always tired cos i like to slp late.hhas.today i slp early lah.anyway, my sch is having its speech day today.tmrw comfirm alot of pple wont cum sch.hmms, gtg alrd.bye !

Monday, July 16, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:21 AM

today finally can see him after 2 days.but didnt spend much time tgt today.maybe cos recess time, i have care and share to do and den after sch i WATCHED HARRY POTTER[: the show was ok.hahas.anyone whu sat beside me comfirm get irritated after the show.i alot of comments on the actors one.dis lah dat lah.until dey laugh cant watch the show in peace.lol ! gd wad.at least if its a sad scene or a scary scene, my lame yet seemingly funny jokes can make dem not cry or get scared.hehes.so BEWARE ! kks.dats lame.yea, bout the care and share.we collected about $176.and dats including the cost price .so if we deduct the cost price, hmm, i dono, maybe bout $120?? arnd dere uh.anyways, it feels good doing good things for other pple.try it ! another gd thing is dat u get to skip class.hehs.dats gd wad.1hr 30mins of free period.hehe.hmms, wad else.oh yah, i also brought back very FUN ! stuff to do at home.like...my malay compositon, my eng debate, my eng reflections, my history wkbk hwk, my home ec hwk , my math wksts and the list goes on..how FUN ! issit? very fun.cant wait to start actually !so yea.wanna start NOW ! i'm so unpatient.lols.

sry for being so sarcastic((:

anyways bye !

Sunday, July 15, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 2:50 AM


early in the morning had to wake up to go to sch.i was late.we promised to meet at 7am and i woke up at 6.45am.so late alrd.dey waited until 7.10 den they went off.i reached dere at 7.15.haiz, den went to mc for a while to have breakfast den straight to sch.boarded the bus at 8.10 and waited for the rest.izyan and faz was late.they were the last to cum den wen we saw dem walking to the bus, my teacher said, biler dorang naik semua tepuk tangan.hahas.so wen dey went up the bus, everyone clapped.wahh ! so early uh ! hehes.den straight to tampines JC. went for the talk den to the debate.hope our sch wins.still waiting for the results cos we didnt get to see the debate until the end.after that, back to sch and den went to makcik's umairah hse to make brownies and cream puff.hehes.at 4.45 went home.dono why yesterday so tired.waited for my parents and bro back from my bro's sch, i fell asleep.at 8 plus only leh . haiz, sumore so hungry didnt eat at nite.cos my parents were suppose to bring back food den while waiting for them i slept so didnt eat.haiz.today still nid to wake up early in the morning to go to religious sch.i very pious uh?hehe.of course.wahh, this whole week i woke up before 7 uh.tired sey.cnt wake up late2 like i used to during the jun holidays.


didnt do anything much.in the morning went to sch den after that straight home.did hwk and watched tv. wanna relax at home today.tmrw sch end early.and gonna watch movie with frends, i think.hmms, gonna be a tiring week again.wad to do? dats life.

jadilah mutiara yg terletak di dasar lautan.susah dicari, nilainya tinggi.jgn ladi mutiara yg dijual dia kedai, selalu dipegang2 org tetapi tidak pernah dibeli kerana tidak mempunyai nilai yang tinggi.itulah yg aku pelajari hari ini.kata2 ini maseh dalam ingatanku.dan akan tetap berada di situ kerana ia sungguh bermakna.
sesungguhnya, manusia ini lemah.selalulah meminta pertolongan dan jgn sombong.

Friday, July 13, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:12 AM

hidup ini penuh the cobaan dan rintangan yang perlu kami lalui.namun, di sebalik cobaan dan rintangan itu, terdapat satu pelajaran yang boleh kite pelajari. dgn itu, banyakanlah besabar jika menghadapi masalah.sesungguhnya, orang yang sabar akan diberkati tuhan.
hari ini entahlah.bynk masalah.pegi sekolah je pat class semua dah heboh psl idola skoolz.hehes.part to best uh.bkn masalah.lepas tu biler start bljar je dah start lah ngantuk aku.aku mmg 24 jam ngantuk.biler aku leh tidur.ngan training pon leh ngantuk tau ! hehe.haiz, pelik lah manusia semua ni.mesti korang semua heran knape aku tulis dlm bahase melayu kan?haiz, entahlah.dah slalu gaknyer tulis dlm bahase eng.skali skala ape slhnyer..
esk pagi2 dah kene gi skolah psl ader ceramah pat mane entah.harap2 tak boring lah pengsyarah nyer.klu tidak tertidur lah aku.haiz, masalah pat skolah tu lak.entahlah.mcm dha tak nak heran lagi je.sabar je.masa boleh mengubati segalanya.apa2 skrang yg berlaku, aku nak ckp terime kasih pada kwn2 ku ygh slalu dgn aku walaupun aku susah ke sng.mmg koranglah org yg aku akan sentiase ingat dan hubungi walaupon sudah memasuki alam dewase.harap2 walau apa pertengkahan yg telah berlaku, sedang berlaku atau akan berlaku akan dimaafkan.kalau Nabi Muhammad sendiri boleh memaafkan kaum nyer ape lagi manusia.aku tak brani sakitkan hati sesiape pon.jadi, jika aku ader sakitkan hati sesape dgn kata2 kasar ku harap aku dimaafkan.sekian ~

Thursday, July 12, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:06 AM

Homework oh homework
i hate you you stink
i wish i could wash you away in the sink
if only a bomb could explode you to bits

homework oh homework
you are giving me fits.
i rather take baths with a man eating shark
or wrestle a lion alone in the dark
eat spinich and liver
pet ten porcupines.
than tackle the homework my teacher assigns

homework oh homework
you are last on my list.
i simply cant see why you even exist.
if only you could disappear
it would tickle me pink


nice not dis poem?learnt it last year.now i totally agree to dis poem.hehes.everyone agree?lols

today hmms, didnt go for PE cos of the sprained ankle.damn,cnt go practice with medicine ball & my passes still sucks.must practice it oen day.maybe tmrw.heck care my leg.anyways doin passes dont need leg strength rite?issit?except for the landing.but heck care.anyways, try passing with a medicine ball for a few minutes den take a netball & wen u throw the netball, its so damn light and u can pass proper passes ! wohoo ! so must train.carnival next saturday.speaking of saturday, dis saturday my schedule very the tight.in the morning have to go sch cos have the ceramah at ngee ann.den after dat straight away go makcik umairah's hse to make brownies and creampuff for care & share.buy ks pple? hehes.its will be next mon.at upper sec canteen.i'm not sure of the price yet.so if you wanna noe more go to upper sec canteen on 16/7 ks? .haiz.tmrw i'll have tutoring den go home.hmms.saturday gona be a long day.oh yah, for today's eng lesson we all have to stand on the tables and chairs den recite the poem and clap to the rythm at the same time.quite a interesting way to learn poetry.and i have one comprehension to complete.to all mly students of class 2o3 and 2o2, dont forget to bring MLY FILE tmrw.if not u'll get it.dono if we mus bring the contents cos i dono where i put oll the wksts.its everywhere in my room.hmms.oklah.gtg buh-bye!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:26 AM


First thing in the morning was assembly and dere was temperature taking.thank god i remembered to bring my ODT down.Den its straight away HMT and i had to sweep the floor.so borrowed broom frm 2B cos de classroom no broom.so budget.my classroom also no broom.clock also dont have.haiyo.after HMT was erm, chemistry.it was oklah. i was a little dizzy dat morning.maybe didnt have enuf slept but gosh, i slept at 10 yesterday nite.hmms, donno wads wrong with me.during chem did sum ionic bonding wksts.It rained so the canteen was packed but id otn care go buy food and pray deres a place to sit if not i'll be starving cos after sch i had netball and we're not suppose to eat heavy food rite b4 netball.after recess was ENG !hehes.watched dangerous minds and we finished watching the whole show today !wohoos.so nice sey.quite sad tho.i cried.shhhhs.dont tell anyone.hehes.k dat was fun but the period after dat, was suppose to be math and instead of MR KUEK cuming in, MR PEACOCK came instead.basically we got lecture for that incident agains.haiz, got that off my chest.den after dat history, MR TAN came in.haiyos, got scolded agains.erm y mr lim and mr ezra dont wanna cum in and scold or lecture us uh?haiyo.after sch had netball.first part was alright but towards the end, in the court game, i sprained my ankle.and so sorry to my team.i noe i shud have been more careful.hmms, now we're short of defenders.and in dis team, i'm the only goal defence.i'm so sry.haiz.i'm so accident prone dis year.is it the sch or me?hmms.oklah.gtg.so tired alrd.bye !

Tuesday, July 10, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 3:16 AM

Woke up late dis morning, rushed to the shower and quickly got ready for sch.chased after the bus until i was breathless alrd.had to do dat cos if not i'll be late again like the other days.but lucky the bus saw me and didnt go.so happy to see him((: anyways, was so tired dis morning.cant even open my eyes.was half asleep in the train.lucky didnt sleep.first thing in the morning alrd i didnt bring ODT down to assembly area.den must take temperature sumore.haiyo, we passed arnd the thermometer.hehes.teacher didnt see.lols((:
first lesson was lit and i managed to sleep for about 30mins before she started talking and woke me up.her voice is jus so unavoidable.so had to listen to her.but ntg wen into my head and if they did it came out xD after dat was music and wen we came in alrd the teacher was like talking bout the previous class.say dey didnt save the tree or wad nonsense.cos dey anyhow put the songsheets. like wad i care? summore i so tired alrd must listen to you while standing up.my leg can break alrd lehs listen to you talk.there were songsheets on the floor.wen we were asked to pick up, the papers like wad alrd.got footprints and such.den wen hanafi was asked to distribute the papers he so bad give us the stepped-on papers.sumore national day songs.and i hate dis yr's song !
after recess was form class.did the physics script during reading period.den wen mr kuek came in, he asked oll of us to stop doing everything and listen to him.surprisingly, our class got lotsa complains from other teachers.and sum was jus too much.rumours goin arnd den end up our class kena.firstly of course cos of the ODT. donno which teacher extra go say our class got 10 pple didnt bring.but there's only like 5 pple.wad the heck.make stories only.den of course complains bout our dirty class.yea, dats quite true.our class was very very dirty.haiz, so we had to go out of class while the others clean the class.and they found sum amino bottles or smtg.eww got fungus growing alrd arnd it and on the table sey.eeee.disgusting.after the class was clean, my teacher said whuever plays that paper bullets again will be sent to teh DM.muahahahahs.k we wont play in class.outside can?lols.anyways i stopped alrd.hehes.i gd girl wad.hehe.like real.
during physics my grp was the first one to present.it was oklah.used to presenting in front of my class alrd.after dat was math.was doin sum sec 3 work.oklah.not so diff to understand.
after sch wen to library with my frends and him.hehes ntg better to do.anyways at home also ntg to do.
tmrw have training and sumone ! REMIND ME TO BRING DOWN MY ODT im so forgetful sey.haiyo.y am i like dis.one day my forgetfulness will get me into trouble one.hmmms, ntg more to write alrd.buh-bye !

Monday, July 09, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:56 AM


Thats what i am rite now. today's lesson were all super boring.first of oll malay alrd.haiyo, i was having stomach ache sey.den it was alright for a while, wen see his face my stomach pain again.another teacher went in to relieve him cos he had to attend smtg.haiya, basically today, my stomach was creating trouble and the lessons were boring except eng of course.we continued watching dangerous minds.so nice show ! den it was assembly.had a talk on bullying and as usual, boringgg. Assembly has never been interesting. Got my netball and bbl throphy today.add to my collection.hehes.had netball after sch.our own self-training. but the self training dragged until 6.30 sey. was my senior's burfday and dey wanted to eat together but it was late alrd.so too bad.anyways, wanna wish her HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! [: haiz, so tired alrd.gtg bye !

Sunday, July 08, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:48 AM


Imran Ajmain - Hanya Menari

Jangan salah sangka sememang ku manusia biasa
Ku santai sahaja menerima segala yang ada

Mengapa bila bertentang mata rasanya bersalah
Bagai dah berlaku jenayah yang besar
Dia tak perlu tahu rahsia kau dan aku
Jika ditanya ini jawapanku

Kami hanya menari, goyang kanan dan kiri
Hanya menari, bukan jatuh hati

Jangan kau ubah fikiran sesungguh nya niatku suci
Tuk jadi seorang teman namun rasa diriku diuji

Mengapa bila kita bertiga ku jadi cemburu
Rasa dicuri oh hak milikku
Kau tak perlu tahu isi hatiku
Jika tu penting ini alasanku

Kami hanya menari, goyang kanan dan kiri
Hanya menari, bukan jatuh hati

Alam keliling pun membisu risau tertulis di bibirmu
Rahsia tersimpan hingga akhir hayatku
Tidak seorang pun yang tahu

Mengapa bila tidak bertemu aku jadi rindu
Bagaimana pula dengan dirimu
Satu hari nanti terbongkar cerita
Jangan kau lupa rencana kita

Kami hanya menari, goyang kanan dan kiri
Hanya menari, bukan jatuh hati

Kami hanya menari, goyang badan dan kaki
Hanya menari, belum jatuh hati, bukan jatuh hati

fana HandWritten on; 4:50 AM

my frends went to the sleeQ thingy.i heard dat it was super fun.hahas.gd for them.i very lazy to go for this things alrd.hehe.next time ks..hehe.sumore LIVE EARTH so might as well stay at home.but from wad i heard, it was gerek and as usual, both aliff and syarif damn cute.hehes.today morning went to madrasah.got back my exam results and got 2nd in class. ntg better to do at home so i changed my blog skin.nice not? hehes.
well, tmrw another week is gonna start.and deres training tmrw.i think its PT.well, must train my stamina. its getting worst.and to my schmates, BRING ODT TMRW ! ks? dont forget esp the malay students cos tmrw first period is mly and if u dont bring i dono wad will happen to you.hehes.be afraid, be very afraid LOL [:
hmms, ntg more to post.cya you pple tmrw aite? another week, another 7 days of misery and schwork.hehe.buh-bye !

Saturday, July 07, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 12:02 AM

hellos [:
two weeks of term 2 past by so fast. yesterday at sch so fun. mr kuek didnt cum so had war in class.but i very gd.i didnt join i only help make the bullets.dey all play until make sumone cry sia. hahs ! but it was gerek.the whole class joined sia. aiyo, if teacher came in that time rites, the whole class comfirm kena detention.lols.but lucky 202 also no teacher so if we made noise no teacher will cum in.after recess was hmt which was boringggg den eng was nice. watched dangerous minds during eng period.de show nice.didnt get to watch the full show but nvm, maybe next time gonna cont.

after sch had the tutoring agains.as usual, its boring and the teacher kept interupting us sia.wasted alot of time.after dat was netball.had alot of court games.and we missed the run cos we came late.

today whole day gonna slack at home. ntg much to do not much hwk were given dis weekend.hmms, ntg much to write now.gtg byes !

Thursday, July 05, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:11 AM

i rarely update my blog nowadays cos one, i'm so tired or two, my brother's using the com until so late that i dont bother to wait for him anymore and just go to sleep or watch tv.so sry if i dont update.

well, trainings are super tiring nowadays and the carnival is like 2 weeks from now.gotta train hard for it.oh and last training, i think my skin at my feet tore cos my sports shoe got hole.hehes.so went to queensway to buy a new one today.hmms, since no one wanted to go with me, i asked him.hehes. jgn marah yer.abeh aku ajak semua tak nak. bought one adidas running shoe.quite nice cos its GREEN ! hehe. today learnt quite a few new stuff and mr kuek, pls lah..i dont wanna sit at the back.firstly cos i cant see properly from the back secondly, i cant concentrate at the back, thirdly, i wanna sit with my frends and lastly, i hate it at the back.i noe i have been fooling arnd alot lately, but i'll change.hehe.i'll concentrate during ur lessons k? hehes.like real.

tmrw training agains.gonna go late cos have the tutoring.wish me gd luck k pple.
klah gtg bye !

Tuesday, July 03, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:37 AM

sch starts and surprisingly, i didnt crag myself to sch like i always do.i sumhow felt excited to go to sch for no reason.suddenly have the mood to hit the books in sch.but the weird thing was , i was very sleepy. k i admit IT was boring but after dat the lessons were quite interesting or if not, not boring. IT lesson the teacher very the LAME lahhs. wanna make jokes pple didnt laugh. sedar lah ko tak klakar.hehes.and yea, umairah was like so enthu reading a book i brought to sch.hehe.
hmms hwk period we had to do a survey.it was like so the very stupid.the questions were repeated and the most irritating ques which they repeat was ' Do you like the sch?' and guess wad i answered.lols.
after sch i decided to go library to boorow sum books.its been a whole since i've borrowed books from the library.i mean actual fiction books.not non-fiction books meant for projects.i realised my eng was super taik. so had to do smtg bout it before it gets worst.
wohoo tmrw PE ! hehes. its been a while since i had PE besides netball trainings.den after dat CME.gd, so can rest during CME while the teacher talk and talk non-stop.well, gtg must finish the mly hwk
buh-bye !

Monday, July 02, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 2:43 AM

OMG i have alot to say.
first of course bout concert WAU !
There was silat, pantun reciting, dance, DIKIR BARAT , angklung, acts & many more.my fav was DIKIR BARAT so nice lah.den izyan spotted her cousin.she was like trying to get his attention and oll.the tukang karut very the mengarut. verall, before the break, the performances were SUPER ! after the break there were performances by sleeQ and imran ajmain. sleeq even sold their cds there but i didnt bring money so we shared. in oll, i can say that the $12 we paid was worth it. i enjoyed myself. after dat went home straight and the bus was packed so we reached home late.i reached home bout 11.45.it was a very tiring day.

den yesterday, early in the morning my dad was like shouting away waking up everyone cos he wants oll of us to send my bro to sch den go eat breakfast or smtg.i cant get out of bed so they left without me.i was too tired alrd.i slept until 10.30 like dat wen my cousins came den rang the bell, call my hse trying to wake me up.i woke up opened the door and dey asked me if i wanna go town go watch movie or smtg den walk2 go shopping.so since no one at home, i just go.watched surf's up.it was super FUNNY ! hehe.walked arnd orchard and ate at pizza hut.my cousin paid for the $93 meal.hehes.i was so hungry.last nite after the concert didnt eat anything.den in the morning also no food at home.hehes.so wen at pizza hut, ate oll i could eat. bought water bottle and some t-shirts.den went hm reached bout 10pm.it was a long day and so i slept straight away.

today, decided not to go anywhere cos wanna complete my hwk.hmms, until now i still havent start on it.hehes.nvm ltr at mid-night i do.lol !tmrw sch, and again, hwk will pile up.well, wish me luck ! buh-bye !