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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Friday, June 29, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 11:59 PM

3 days of intense training.was very tiring but its oll gona pay off really soon.carnival in 3 weeks and the teams are finalised.so pple, lets work hard for the carnival even if it means 3 straight days of intense training.in total i think i ran bout 9km dis week.whoa, i hope i improve my stamina alrd cos thats my aim for this yr, to improve my stamina.yesterday ran bout 5km arnd cck and thx to the ball drills i got a swollen finger.it got bigger cos i didnt put ice.but in a few days time its gonna be back to normal alrd.hheehs
yesterday had meet the parents at night so was at sch the whole day so me and my frends decided to bath in sch.hahahs ! no one saw us so it was alright. cos imagine going to a 1 hr talk with a sweaty, smelly body.haiyo..gona pollute the hall.hmms, den after the talk got refreshments.was so hungry so we were like standing arnd the refreshment table and waiting for parents to cum down and give us food.omg, we were starving lahh.hehe.after dat went home with my frends and him.it turned out to be a fun night after all.haiz, but den went home straight away got to bed.so tired.haiz..then today morning have to go collect ticket.ahh !cant wait for tonight ! WAU concert.hehe.den monday gonna go vivo i think.dono if dey still wanna go.ooklah gtg bye !

Wednesday, June 27, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:13 AM

hello pple((:
today my day very the sway.i'm actually very tired now to post or do practically anything.i feel like jus lying down and sleep.but cnt ! today quite interesting things happened. so must write down sumwhere so i can laugh to myself wen i grow up and read back oll my post i posted during sec sch.
well, today early in the morning alrd i fell at the stairs and it was very embarrassing.but dats not so bad, i've gone thru dat lotsa times before. hmms, den it was mly and as usual its boring.after dat was chem and it was quite interesting.learned bout atoms.rather interesting.hehe.wen recess time came, umthing happened.sumthing dat had to do with gorga.hahaha.very funny.after recess was eng.hahahah.better.altho the teacher teaching is jack tan, it was quite funny today. had silent reading for a while den did argumentative essay.den dere was one time wen mr tan called xiao hui but den instead, raafiq stood up.hehe.damn funny.we had paper fight during math.hehes.america vs singapore and sad to say, singapore is winning.lols !after sch was netball.did sum grp ball drills den court work.coach changed the team so dat its equal i think.tk, i got hit by a ball in the face today and it was very hard.haiyo, got hit on the nose 2 times today.lucky it didnt bleed.hehe.klah.i very tired alrd.
i'll update again soon.buh-bye !

Tuesday, June 26, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:36 AM

school has started.everything has changed in sch.hmms, almost everything.my classroom has changed.which i dont like.i luv the old classroom and its arrangement where my table is at the corner of the class.now my table is at the middle of the class and i'll keep on talking and talking and if i cont, i'll end up sitting with the boys.haiya.i've done dat once and nvr wanna do it again.sum of my teachers also changed.my eng teacher changed to jack tan and i think soon, the physics teacher will change.yea, i think that is basically it.changes.theres alot of changes which i cant get along well with.i need time to adapt to this changes but theres no time for oll this.streaming is just in a few months time.oll i need to do now is concentrate.but with ccas, relationships and of course life, can i cope? i hope so.
hmms, tranings are getting tougher dis few weeks.sum even suggested 4 times a week.but its just too much.so changed to 3 times a week.so dis week training dayas are, weds, thus, fri.yea.next week is, mon, weds,fri.hmms.its ok compared to last yr dec holidays.dats more tiring.and yea, thus morning gonna have a run/walk marathon.wohoo gona be so fun.imagine the whole sch running together beside a canal.for about 1 hr.dats gonna be fun ! hahas.
den on sat i'm going for the WAU ! concert.booked tickets alrd.imran ajmain and SLEEQ is gonna be dere.haha.cant wait for it.hmms, tmrw have st john day.gonna be a long morning.well gtg .i have to complete the mly and history hwk which i still dono how to do.buh-bye!

Sunday, June 24, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 7:09 AM

last day of holiday today so mustmust post.its gonna be a very memorable day.or rather, nite.lol ! i have 3 essays to be completed in one nite.or to be exact, 3 and a half essay.hehe.the mly ringkasan not yet completed.alittle more.and just for pple whu cannot see

I have 3 & a half essays to be done in ONE nite !

well, i think dats big enuf.sry was jus venting my anger.woots ! hmms, tmrw sch.cant wait for it altho not seriously prepared for it.oll the essays i pushed to the last minute.learnt a very valuable lesson, dont push essays to the last minute.any other hwk can.lol ! but seriously, wen ur asked to do essays in a rush, u tend to not get ideas and jus write wateva is in ur mind.so yea, basically dats wad ur gonna see on my papers, my teachers.lol! ooklah gtg alrd.
wanna get started on my essays.buh-bye !

Friday, June 22, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 7:29 AM

its late and i cant sleep.so switched on com and post.hehes.wanted to finish reading the malay novel which i hadnt finish reading.hehex.see, how long i take to finish one miserable book.and its not even half completed.haiya, if i wanna finish the book by today, wont sleep for tonight uh.hmm, maybe i shall do dat.but i tell u reading the book can make me sleep.hehe.haiz, 2 more days to sch reopen.i'm totally not prepared.with my uncompleted hwk and more projects and test cuming up, dono if i can survive the next half of the yr or not.streaming jus months away and i'm totally not ready.
well, today went to the library in the morning and guess wad.i was late !hahs.sry uh, woke up late today.cos maybe i stayed up too late doing dat stopid essay and i still have to redo it.hmm lemme see wad hwk i have left.
1] essay on the theme of the book
2] essay on one topic in the SA1 paper.
3] argumentative essay
4] malay ringkasan
5] vocabulary book
6] the river wild summary
7] physics project

i guess dats it.7 more things to do in 2 days.wohoo.its gonna be so fun.hahas.well, even tho i'm not prepared for sch yet, i'm still looking forward to it.i really miss my frends.everyone in class.and my table which is at the end of the class near the windows where no one frm outside can see me do anything cos i'm blocked by the wall.and dats a gd thing cos wen i'm bored, i can just take out my mp4 and listen to music, sleep in class wen the teacher is damn boring, no nid to pretend doing hwk during hwk period unless teacher cums into class and the best part is, wont get picked by teachers to do stuff in class.hahas.last time wen i sat rite in front, cnt do anything.haiya, hwk period had to pretend doin hwk and all.and sumtimes, i dont succeed in it.den have to face the music.hahas.haiz, miss the class so much.i just wish the class arrangement wont change and i get to sit dere agains.and another thing, I DONT WAN THE HOME-ROOM SYSTEM ! it totally ****. haiz, fana fana.but its kinda true.hahas.i cant believe i'm saying dis but i kinda miss the weird teachers you noe.hehe.dats the time wen our class will unite as one and do stuff u can nvr imagine.hehe.dats wad our class is gd in.hahahaha.hope everything is still the same in sch.no probs no ntg.altho alot of teachers will change, i still hope its gonna be a fun semester.theres still gonna have loads more sch functions which i cant wait for !hehe.hmms, watever it is, i still have to concentrate on my studies.STREAMING YR and triple is my aim.hmms, do dey count ur language in the streaming overall marks?hehs.wad a stupid ques.
oh yah, carnivals cuming up !wohoo.gonna work hard for it.hope i can balance btwn sch work, ccas and relationships((:hope so.
well, gtg bye !

Wednesday, June 20, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 3:11 AM

jus realised dat its been a while since i've posted.hehes.rather lazy and ntg much to post these few days cos i spent all the days at home either doin hwk or chatting with my beloved frends.((: today, went out with frends to do hwk.i can say dat doin hwk with frends is better den doin alone.except for eng.hehe.yea, its better cos i can ask dem ques if i dono, or better still jus copy their ans, oops.no no not copy.hehe.look at their ans.hehe.correct not umairah?lol.doin vocab with ans key by the side mmg gerek.hahahahha.anyways let u guys see wad hwk i've done and wad i plan to do

1. The River Wild

-MYE question

3.MYE paper 1 corrections

4. Grammer book
- Units 9&10 (ltr copy frm frend)

5.Vocab Workbook
-Ex 65-80(simply crazy)

6.read books
-write story on the theme of the book read.

7. Argumentative essay(boleh taruk tepi)

1. Project ! (nanti2 leh.hehes)
- on sound

2. Read txbk
- Pg 166-180

3.Theory workbook
- Ex 10.2 & 10.3

1. Txbk exercises.(dont bother to list)

2. Wksts
- 3 revision papers.

1. Book review

2. Workbook (dont need to do.sch re-open jus bring 2B book can alrd.lols !)

1. Sec 2 theory wbk
- pg 12-16
pg 17-22 Q8

2. Holiday revision paper

1. Project !
- Haiku

as u can see, i've done oll my math and sci .hehe.the subjects dat i lyke.eng and mly both languages i havent touch much.haiz, 4 more days left to sch.gotta buck up. ook chao !
buh-bye !

Saturday, June 16, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 7:12 AM


went out with frends today.went to sembawang park.alot pple say wanna come.but last minute cancel.not fun de.but anyways, still went to sembawang park.only bout 7 pple.but still can have fun ! hahhahahas. i woke up in the morning my mom ask me to go my dad's shop send smtg.she said it was important.so had to send it and i left home at 8.haiz, promised to meet syafiq and nadiah at admiralty at 9.30. so had to go out earlier. anyways, met dem at 9.30 den went to buy stuff for the so called picnic. oh yah, my grandaunt packed for me a packet of nasi lemak ! wohoo ! was so hungry dis morning.didnt eat yesterday nite.cudnt eat, throat sore. and at admiralty, i met my uncle.long time nvr see him alrd.heees(: hmms, and yea, for this picnic, no one brought fon.or rather, only one had fon but she hasnt top-up.so yea, we were fon-less.and it was toturing.wanted to contact diyanah cos she wasnt dere at the time she said she was goin to be.we were also late.hees(: so kept using the public fon, adn wen we called diyanah hse, gosh, engage oll the way.so tot the fon spoil liao.lol.haiyo, waited for dem and their 10.15 turned to 10.50 hahahah. but nvm, we're always late.den bought ice and oll den took bus to sembawang park.reached dere den like wanna rain like dat,but thats gd, cos it means dat its not gonna be blazing HOT ! set up everything den played v.bll.hehe.the guys wont dis round rite?i forgot alrd.lol.den it rained so stopped.but the rain like not gonna stop like dat.so we just went to change clothes. den played the swing.hehe.since its raining, there wasnt anyone at the playground and the slides we damn slippery and wet lah.hehe.so we played a damn childish game.haha.we tried to go up by the slippery slide.lol.and i can say that its damn slippery and steep ! proof,i fell 5 times alrd.lols.dat was before i knew that i could hold a handle at the side of the slide.lols.hahahas.anyways, there was one time wen syafiq went up then nad cont den i cont.hehe.syafiq hasnt reach the top yet until he slipped at fell and rolled on nad and nad fell on me.gosh ! domino sey !haha.damn funny.hahas.being childish for once isnt a crime and i can say dat its quite fun.lol.oh yah, dere was one time wen i fell and sum bangladesh saw it.dey were laughing away sey.so paisey.hahahas ! den after that we wanted to swin in the sea.haha.since our clothes are oll dirty and covered with sand .haha.cos we practically rolled on the slides.haha.played in the water and i just cant believe the fact dat SUMONE donno how to swin and was scared of the water.hehe.we planned to pull DAT PERSON into the water but didnt.hehe.he did go into the water but not deep.hehes.played lotsa games.very2 fun.hahas and yah ! i almost drowned 3 times ! cos was fighting in the water for the ball.but nvm, still survived.wah, SUMONE kicked my stomach and punched my teeth in the water sey.very pain u noe. hahahaha.cos i think there was a wave den i was fighting for the ball.so the moral of the story is.....dont fight in water wen have wave.dont have wave can.lols !haha.hmm, at 5 plus packed up den went home.haiz, unforgettable day.really.erms, i forgot wad i did after dat alrd.so yea, i'll update in the next post.lols !
ook buh-bye !

fana HandWritten on; 6:47 AM


yesterday was a friday rite? oh yah, i went out in the morning. met the rest at wlds MRT den go buy cake for umairah. we planned to go her hse to surprise her since tmrw is her burfday ! so bought a $19.50 cake den went to her hse.hehe.when outside her hse, we sneaked thru the corridor like wanna steal smtg like dat sey.hehe.and den wen we wanna go out of the lift uh SOMEONE got hit by the lift door.damn funny.hahas.just cudnt stop laughing wen fazleen made that fake call asking her wad she was doing and oll.gawd, it was funny. after ate the cake and drank TEAS hehe, we went to the library to do hwk.at first dere wasnt any empty tables but den we found one after a while so did math hwk.den wen diyanah came, haiyo, everyone cnt do hwk alrd.we kept on talking until she went off.oh yah, not everyone was dere, diyanah and shirah cundt come.hmms.after dat ate at mc den went home.and i was veryvery dizzy alrd.i took temperature it was 38.4. oh gosh, had fever agains.so had to rest.my mom said cos i didnt finish the antibiotics the doc gave me.hey, i hat eating medicine and the pill stinks.and i'm sure u guys don wanna noe how i knew dat.lol.so rested the whole afternoon.den watched APM at night and to SUM PPLE, i spelled it correctly dis time ! lols.its APM.hahahs.omr, i really wanna go the WAU concert.got SLEEQ AND IMRAN AJMAIN. haiz, cnt miss one.hope umairah book the tickets alrd. anyways, APM was GEREK ! oll my fav songs won.hahahahas.

Thursday, June 14, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:16 AM

hmm, today did ntg much.stayed at home do hwk.haiz, so boring.online also no one.den terpakse lah aku memandang hwk to.i did until 3 plus like dat den stopped watched tv, spongebob ! lols.i nvr get tired watching cartoons.hahas.hmm, den watched halfway slept.lol.until 5 plus woke up den cont with hwk agains.hmm, dis sat outing dono can go nots.i wanna go but i dont dare to ask my folks yet.haha.tmrw den ask uh.hmm, how to ask uh.must phrase it in a very nice manner so dey let me go.hehe.ntg more to post.and yea ! i completed the 3 maths revisions alrd ! wohoo !lols.budden with ques blank uh.dono how to do.hehe.ooklah.buh-bye !

Wednesday, June 13, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:20 AM

CIP with my frends today ! hehehehe.

met syafiq at 962 bus stand den met the rest at wlds interchange.lols.didnt noe can wear home clothes lah.so wore sch-u.hmm, den at wlds interchange wait for nadiah for 15mins sey.hehe.ur 9.15 becum 9.30.haha.syafiq waited for nad too long alrd i think until he dropped his specs and it broke.hehe.we promised amirul and aisyah at jurong at 9.40.hehe.reached like 10 like dat.haiyo.but nvm, dey not angry.hehe.den straight away go library and den do CIP.lols.got divided into 2.den me, diyanah, aisyah was suppose to do the cds.haiyo, its dam tiring luh.must check each and every cd for the code.haiyo, sumore in store room.no ventilation.lols.so yea, died haflway alrd.did the cds for 2 and half hrs alrd sia.haiz, but i'm thankful dat we did complete dat task lah.tot we can nvr finish it.lols.den wen we were doing, syafiq called den say dey went for break arld.hehes.saje je kluar makan tak blang officer.yea, and the break supposed to be 15 mins ony lah.den drag until 45mins.hahas.den amirul still can say, if the officer ask uh, say we go help sum couple with sum books.lol.dah lamer uat kerja gini eh amirul?ader2je.den we went back and cont our CIP.so went back 1 plus alrd.so ntg much we can do.we did shelving and we managed to complete it rather fast cos i think 3 person i trolley is too big a number.hahas.den the librarian super weird.hung her tag on the pants lah.den wen wanna tag she'll pull the tag up so its like damn funny.den everytime she did dat, dey'll laugh and i'll join.lols.its quite funny actually.hehe.the librarian super weird. hahas. den we supposed to do i trolley to kill time.all 6 of us cos left ony 20mins like dat.after CIP wanted to go IMM.cos i think syafiq wanna repair his specs.den walked thru jurong entertainment centre.hehe.sumthing funny happened.i walk2 den didnt see infront go bang the door.the transparent automatic door.lols.wahh, damn paisey lah.dey all laugh so loud alrd.hahas.i so sway.hmm, k so far i bang 3 objects alrd.the sch pole, a coconut tree and an automatic door.hmm, wad else after dis.lols.so waled to IMM and den wen wanna go back, sumthing happened agains.hehe wen we alighted the bus, syafiq lost his fon.haiyos.he said maybe it dropped at IMM.so we went back dere and searched the whole place.but still ntg.sry aite, we've tried our best.hehes.hmm, den wen we wanna take the bus agains back to jurong.the same driver was dere.den he was like taking off his specs and rubbing his eyes alrd.cos i think he saw us just now taking dis bus.den suddenly over here taking it agains.hehe.hmms, wad a tiring day.went home straight den used the com for a while den watched tv until i slept.hehe.woke up at 7 plus, pray den do math.hehe.almost finish the 3 revision papers alrd ! wohoo ! so happy !.lols. yea, planning to do sumore tmrw.i more week of holidays left.haiz, projects still untouched.haiz.nvm lah, no nid to do also can rite?lols.oklah.long post today
buh-bye !

Tuesday, June 12, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:48 AM

had training today.funfunfun is wad i can say.we did lotsa court work.so yea.not so tiring.we did lotsa area defence.yea pple ! gotta focus uh.area defence is seriously effective but you really nid to get the idea and practice and master it !so yea, carnival cuming and coach gonna pick the main 12 soon.or rather main 10.haiz, no chance alrd.seniors all comfirm go in.no doubt.but us, sec 2s.haiz.we have no chance pple ! haiya, but nvm, this means dat we have to put in effort in trainings if u wanna be in the main team ! yea ! must put in effort hor.lols
hmms, had game after training with juniors.its the men-to-men teaching.so they noe where to run and all.and yea.NOTE TO SELF.must practice left hand pass !lols
after training had lunch with coach at mc((: hehe.den went home.haiyo tired seh.watched spongebob halfway den acc sleep alrd.lols.but woke up at 6 ate ice-cream my sister bought for me.den do hwk.hehe((:
watched anugerah.all i can say is dey ROX ! hehe. KASSREEAL os so gd today.hehe.but rite, he like shy2.hehes.haiya, harman go out alrd.hannah was super.and i think maiya will get to finals.hehe.
oklah tmrw have cip.so gtg
buh-bye !

Monday, June 11, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:30 AM

hellos((: i just realised dat my previous post was super long sey.hahas.dats how much fun i had.well, actually deres still sum things more to write but i forgot.hahs ! hmm, my leg now blue-black.hehe.cos of that tree crash.lols.it was a super hard hit sia.haiyo, shuden have sped until like dat.but nvm, it was fun ! hehes.
today whole day at home.hmm, planned to do hwk.and yea, i actually followed my plan dis time.cos normally i will just like plan, but no mood to do.so end up not doing.but i dono y today i so hardworking.hehs.but gd, i managed to complete sum hwk.hmm, a few more left and projects undone ! pple ! listen projects undone u noe.haiz, i'm abit worried for the physics project cos my grp members all dont have computers except me.den my dey cnt cum my hse cos of sum stupid reason so yea, i dono how we're gonna do it.hmm, maybe meet up at the library or smtg.but one of them is away for camp.haiz, and the lit ! haiz.wad the hell is haiku , i dono.i've heard of it b4 in a tv show.hehes.but didnt manage to understand wad it was.so yea, must so research.
jus for my own reference, my hwk are:

1. The River Wild

-MYE question

3.MYE paper 1 corrections

4. Grammer book
- Units 9&10

5.Vocab Workbook
-Ex 65-80(simply crazy)

6.read books
-write story on the theme of the book read.

1. Project !
- on sound

2. Read txbk
- Pg 166-180

3.Theory workbook
- Ex 10.2 & 10.3

1. Txbk exercises.(dont bother to list)

2. Wksts
- 3 revision papers.

1. Book review

2. Workbook ( actually must hand in b4 sch holidays.hehes)

1. Sec 2 theory wbk
- pg 12-16
pg 17-22 Q8

2. Holiday revision paper

1. Project !

- Haiku

ok dats oll.u guys can copy down or anything if u want.haiz, eng hwk is jus simply crazy.so far not even one completed lehs.i do my hwk bit by bit.hehes.and yea, the math hwk, i lazy to list everything.its all in the list mr kuek give.so us check.its too long to even list down.hehs.oklah.gtg
buh-bye !

Sunday, June 10, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 12:01 AM

BEST DAY EVER ! yesterday.

went to pasir ris park with my classmates , syafiq and nadiah's bro . had fun ! except for the first part.hehe got lost and we had to walk like 1km plus .haiz.hehe ! i brought a map.ish tapi malu sey nak pakai, takpe pakai sembunyi2. hehe.so followed my map oll the way to the other side of a bridge.oh yah, on the brigde rite, smtg funny happened. a monkey suddenly appeared,lols. den aisyah shouted wen she saw.hehe.syafiq also shouted and den he ran.lols.hu ask u ran lahh, the monkey go and chase him den got his legs arld.hehe.den diyanah whu was carrying the bag of bread go and put the breads down and den she ran.the monkey let go syafiq's leg den go towards the breads.hehe he was hungry((: or was it a she.hehe syafiq say it was a she .hahs ! dont wanna noe how he knew dat.but anyways, a jogger came by and scare the monkey hehe.thx loads. so we cont walking.legs gonna break arld.

den found a spot.pitched the tent and all.i didnt help in dat but i made the water.i noe u guys were dehydrating arld.hehe.so quickly made.hehe.nice2 sumore yesterday the weather was super hot ! lols.so yea, needed alot of water.and yea, not enuf water in the end.had to go buy sumore.hehe.

den played sum vbll den slack a while.den we go rent the bike.hehe.2 person bicycle.hehe den cycled back wahh, very funny sey.i was challenging syafiq.den wen on the grass alrd.both lost control.cnt break.hehe.wad speeding so the bike cont till the tent den my bike bang the tree.haiyo.injured my leg.but not a big deal.hehe. aku kan klu kluar tak jatuh takleh.hehe.so yea, its ntg for me.

den had bike race agains.now with 2 cyclers on one bike.so yea.was very close with nadiah and syafiq but dono whu won in the end.hehes.hmm, den played the swing and the turning thingy.hehe.dono wad its called but it goes round and round and those pple inside will turn and turn until dizzy.hehs !

den played vbll vs each other.2 grs.my grp have me,nadiah, hakim, umairah& izyan.den the othe grp have syahirah, aisyah, hanafi, syafiq & diyanah.hehes.loser team mus blanja.and guess whu lost.hehe((; erm, not enuf water sia. go buy bottles more.hehe.den after dat rest den played soccer den at 6 plus like dat packed and went home((:

had real fun yesterday ! hope to do it agains soon.hehe. and yea, dis is the pic if u guys wanna save((:

k bye ! oh yah wanna say smtg


Thursday, June 07, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 7:12 AM

wen to the doctor today.so, have to skip netball.haiz.cant even walk properly in the morning.how was i suppose to go for training like dat.so decided to go doc and get mc.haiz, doc said i got high fever.temp was 39.8.hehe so pro rites.so got a 3 days mc.
and gosh, how fast does time pass.its alrd almost the end of 2nd week ! and my hwk still untouched & projects have no clue wen will start.
and yea, dis sat gonna have the outing with my frends and on monday outing to sentosa with my team netball !
i'm planning to do hwk tmrw.yeah, really nid to buck up uh.sch's gonna be tougher after dis june hols.i can feel it.with streaming only months away, i shud not be slacking arnd anymore.hmm, but still, i cant be studying for 24/7 rite? hahas.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:03 AM

i hate it when i'm sick.i canot do much.all dat i could do is lie down and sleep.haiz.my hand is shivering now.been vomiting since afternoon and my head spuns like siao.now i'm slightly ok cos ate medicine but i tell u ltr everything gonna start agains.haiz.tmrw netball donno if shud go.haiz, i don wan to miss it.pls god, make me well by tmrw.i wanna go training.hmm, i hate dis rlah.so easy fall sick.
well, i think i fall sick dia time cos of netball trainings wen we have to still cont training even tho its raining.but its fun playing in the rain !lols. hmm, surprisingly, wen i'm sick i have the interest to do hwk.but cnt do much.hehe.i read the mly novel until chap 5 alrd.so cool rites?hehe if i'm not scik, u wont see me reading or doin hwk wan.too lazy.hehes.
haiz, how can i fall sick jus rite after my burfday?oh gosh. i don wan to miss prctice ! and yea, for the record, i havent eaten anything since dis moring.only drank water.i dont dare to eat.ltr vomit cos i having sore throat. hmms .but surprisingly, i'm not hungry at all.weird things will happen wen i'm sick including me getting crazie.hmm, dont believe ask my frends.last time i sick still cum sch and iw as shivering the whole time at sch.even tho is super hot.
hahas ! klha gtg buh-bye !

Tuesday, June 05, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 9:38 PM

tuhan, tolonglah.berikalah hambamu ini petunjuk bagi masalah yg sedang beliau hadapi skrang.sesungguhnya, hambamu ini sedang memerlukan pertolongan dan doronganmu. kaulah yang menentukan segalanya.

fana HandWritten on; 5:20 AM

happy burfday to me ! lols.

it was indeed an unforgettable burfday my frends. i wish to say thank you to all my frends who made dis day a special one for me. and also, thank you for all the presents you guys spent on for me. well, rite in the morning, i recived some mssgs from my frends.well, i'm glad that u guys remembered and i appreciate it((:

went out with my frends.too bad, not everyone could make it.but, nvrtheless i enjoyed it.hehe.went to eat at mcd den play arcade !haha.ok fine nadiah & syahirah u guys won.but i won to an unknown guy ! happy happy ! lols.hmm, den walked arnd cwp, window shoppin basically((: and met ul hazeeq.hehe.

here are sum photos i just uploaded.

present frm my team netball, how cute !

the card my frends made for me, winnie the pooh, oh how cute((:
oh and one more thing, I LOVE WINNIE !

Monday, June 04, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 2:02 AM

had trainin today((: its started at 10 and it was suppose to be self trainin but dono why coach train us instead.i guess the sec 1s started at 11 since we were dere arld, might as well train us.lols.
well, we got a new teacher-in-charge cos i think ms or goin for the maternity leave.hehs.so yea, a teck whye sec teacher is taking us and i dono why.but its ok, she looks friendly((: hahs !
so did sum drills and we didnt do court work today ! sobsob.haiz, cos of the rain uh.there was thunder and lightning so cnt use the court after 12.haiz, pushed tables and benches away frm the front part of the canteen, which i dont think we are allowed to do, and train dere.continued our drill and den did PT.well, i can say dat for the PT, i think we practically mopped the canteen floor with our sweat.haiz, and my PE shirt is so dirty luh.gonna get nagged again by mom cos the dirtiness of my PE shirt is unbelievable.hahas.wanna buy new one soon.
oh yeah, the sec 1s pushed the tables and benches too, i wish dem gd luck pushing them back.hehs.cos i dono how many tables and benches they pushed until there was a whole corner full of them and i dont think theres a way to push dem back.hehe.but we left b4 their trainin ended, so yea.jus gd luck !
burfday season starting !
yesterday was xinyee's burfday, today xiao hui and tmrw mine. and the next day jianings !hehe.jus wanna wish xinyee and xiao hui a happy burfday!
hehe wanna say thx to the b div netball for the present.
winnie the pooh teddy bear, how cute((:
oh yah, and we had come out with a new cheer !lols
here in goes,
BPgirls, fight !
o !
fight !
o !
fight !
oooooooooo !
hehs.nice not?
well, if u noe how to cheer its nice.lols.
klah gtg, buh-bye !

Saturday, June 02, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 3:51 AM

its a saturday and yet, i'm at home, watching tv, reading books and doing hwk.oh gosh, can life me anymore boringg.

i wanna go out pple ! any plans pls dont hesitate to call me.hehs.lamer2 aku mati kebosanan jgk tau.

haiz, hwks are still not done yet.but nvm, still have a long holiday.haha.lyke real.ltr i delay2 last min den do.but dats me ! last minute gurl.lols.

9 - 10 june ! having picnic plus sleepover ! cant wait. i really2 wanna go meet my frends.have fun with dem.haha.for the record, i have nvr not laughed when ever i meet dem.dats y i love meeting dem !hehe lols.
& i wanna sleepover too ! at night can dont sleep.tell ghost stories, play truth or dare, scare the guys ! and more. hehe. for pple goin, there is going to be bike riding, soccer, vbll if the is a vbll.hehe.and of course swimming ! so cool.hehe.beach volley and soccer.more fun ! if only i can go.hope so !
kklah, gtg buh-bye !

Friday, June 01, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:40 AM

netball training today wasnt so bad.dere wasnt much running.except for the first part.hehes.didnt eat mah, so felt like throwing up in the beginning.but after drinking lotsa water, ok arld((: the team was divided to 2 grps and as usual, we will play a game for warm up.hehes.my team has not much seniors or team players.only have 1 senior.so yea, tot dodnt have chance to win.cos the loser team will have to do forfeit !hehe my fav part.lols.budden, in the end our team won.it was a close fight uh.5-4.hehe.

the carnivals teams are finally out.and frm now onwards, we have to train in our own teams.so as to get ready for the carnival((: gotta win dis time round or at least get into second round or smtg.hhaiz, god pls give me courage. and today, we did lotsa court work.hmm, it was fine uh.the juniors had thier self-training.

after training rain.very the heavy sey rain.hehe.wanted to eat outside.den the seniors suddenly say wanna follow cos we are suppose to bond by the end of JUNE.hehe.so yea, ate with seniors and i left at 4.hehe.mom asked me to buy smtg frm sheng shiong.hahs ! i totally forgot bout it sey.so had to go back to ten-mile junction.haix. reach home at 5 plus.tiring sey.

so yea, now jus slacking arnd.tmrw is another day.haiz, hwk is still untouched.c'mon farhanah !haiz, i gotta buck up, seriously.yes ! i have to.sumone pls slap me if i'm slaking k? but not now.cos i'm like tired.hehes.
klah gtg.buh-bye !