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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Thursday, May 31, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:33 AM

vesak day ! back to back of malay movies((: hehes.the shows today nice2 sey.haha.i practically spent the whole afternoon watching movies.well, at least i didnt waste my time.hehs.

tmrw training ! hahs ! hope i have the energy to go for training.hmm.i have ntg much to post today uh.i didnt do much today except eat and watch tv.hehs.okluh
buh-bye !

Wednesday, May 30, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 2:05 AM

netball training today.11 am -2 pm , time when the sun is out.haiz, its so hot today sia. we had self training and normally, during self-training, we will do PTs.hehs.and yep, dats wad we did today.

firstly we had to run for 30 mins outside.and the coach even said dat if its less then 30 mins, dont come back to sch.hahs.oh gosh.we used to run 3 rounds outside about nearly 4km and it was only about 24 mins plus.haiz.so dis time round, we are going to run more than 4 km sia like dat. so went out.den my senior suddenly sey dont run the old route uh.we go run anywhere since its a 30mins run.hehs.so we ran all the way to ten mile junction, then bpp den inside bpp den arnd bpp.haiz, so tiring sey.but lucky have some stops cos of the traffic lights&zebra crossings.haiz, i think we ran like nearly 5 km.haiz.den sumore run back to sch sia.up slope.dat is wad kills me((:

so did sum passes and den sum grp ball drills.come on pple ! we are B div ! train and behave like a b div aite ?hehe.we have a carnival cuming up in july and we got to train hard for it ! ok? jia you ! pple.hehes.

so my leg is cramp now.and jus now have 2 pple sick.so ii'm quite scared now cos i donno y dis yr i easily fall sick.haiz...but dat doesnt matter.my leg and hand are cramp sey ! haiz.lucky tmrw not goin out.at least can rest at home((: do hwk.hahs ! i havent start on my eng hwk sey.dono wen i'll start.haiz, cnt face the eng hwk list.i jus so dislike english.started on math arld.hope to finish it by dis week.((:
okluh.buh-bye !

Tuesday, May 29, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:56 AM

hello pple ! yeah, finally today went out.hehe.wanted to do CIP at jrg library but den, fuul arld.so need to go sumwhere else, go home or wait until late afternoon.so we decided to jus go sumwhere else. i mean, gosh, i dont wanna go home larh.so boring.haha.and i jus found out dat i'm not the only one bored at home.sum of my other frends are bored too.hehe.and all we do at home wen bored is EAT.aku mencekik je tau pat rumah mcm takde kerja lain.boring tau !and i'm thankful dat i didnt grow fat.cos it would be diff sey to lose weight.budden, i play a lot of sports so no prob for me((: yay !

so we went to jrg west instead and gosh, the library is so damn deserted luh.dats wad i thought wen i entered the place.i mean, if at wlds, we enter alrd pple will be shouting here and dere and security gaurds will be patrolling arnd carrying the posters dey love so much telling pple to keep quite and if we made noise but kept quite only wen dey cum dey will call us dumb and will ask us to be dumb for the rest of the day.oh gosh, wlds security is like wad lahh.

so did for 4 hrs.diyanah and my jobs are not so tiring uh but we have to walk alot and do more den dem.but izyan and faz uh...aiyo all dey need to do is arrange the comics and it took dem the whole 4 hrs sia.i mean, look at the shelves and the books luh.so untidy and messy and all over the place.hahas.aisyah and syahirah nid to do a lot.haha.it was tiring((:

after dat took 187 back home.was about 1 hr 15 mins journey.haha.i like long bus journeys((: klah.
buh-bye !

Monday, May 28, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 2:07 AM

i'm bored ! pple do u hear me? i'm bored ! haiz..i wanna go out lahh. tmrw, i shall go out ! hehe.going jrg library do CIP with my frends.

today uh..hmm..i watched jgn pandang belakang agains.wen i watch it the second time, its kinda funny.hehe.the ghost like cacat.it is like limping like dat.hehe.i dono luh, maybe its my eye.cant see properly((:

anyways after dat, i changed my blog skin.nice not?hehe.not nice say uh((:
it took me the whole morning((: cos i dont wan any error in my blog like last time.

hehe.boredom can lead to me doing many stupid and silly stuff.haha.i go cut hair((:o gosh.den i went down play at the playground with my younger siblings and my cousins.hehe.fun3.its been a while since i've acted childish.so it was kinda weird.

did ntg interesting today so ntg much to post.i shud be reading books or stuff rite?i dono y but i cant face books today.hehe.

klah buh-bye !

Sunday, May 27, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 7:20 AM

holidays finally here.yeah.but its kinda boring cos ntg to do except hwk.
i want gatherings ! i want outings ! i want anything.hehe.yeah, esp my pri sch frends.wnna meet u guys !

yeah, so dis holiday will be full of hwks and gathering stuff.yeah ! and exams and such are officially OVER. i'm not gonna overstress myself with hwk.gonna do it slowly.hehe.and omg ! i lost my fav pen lahh. aiya, y must the good things die young !hehe.k, crap((:

its so late now.i cnat sleep uhs. i dono y. always been thinking bout nonsensical stuff nowadays.farhanah oh farhanah, jgn berangan lahh.hehe.i wanna find sum one to share my problems with, talk to whenever i'm down.susah lah nak cari org cam gitu.tu psl aku ckp aku berangan jek.sumone pls slap me((:

jus now was madrasah exam.i didnt study properly lahh.farhanah ! aiyo...so i cant do many ques.so sry dad, mom.i've let u down.nvm, i'm gonna try hard next time round. haha.in class uh, we were seperated lahh frm all our frends.mus sit separately cos got sum one copy2.haiyo..like it nvr happen b4 like dat((: hahs !

hmm..i wanna upload more songs to my mp4.donno wad songs nice. any suggestions? hehs.
kklah, ntg to say alrd((:
buh-bye !

Saturday, May 26, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:53 AM

OMG ! i jus got my hp bill and i have no idea how to pay it. haiz, i guess bye-bye my savings.

Friday, May 25, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 9:42 PM

hello my frends.i noe i havent been blogging for a while arld((: i so sry uh.been bz with stuff.dis week very the bz sia.bz with cheering comp and exam results.so yea, didnt have time to blog.so wen was the last time i blogged? mon rites?hehe.

basically the first 3 days i was bz with cheering comp.but in the end we stiil didnt manage to get to the finals.but wad the heck.we did our best rite?anyways, the 3 classes whu managed to go to finals really deserve it.i mean see lah their class so united sey.and i congragulate them.

well then, yesterday was quite interesting.hehe.alot of things happened.and dere was training((: yea guys we've got to train hard for the upcoming carnivals ! its gonna be a blast ! B ddiv netball can do it !haha.we have to train hard in t5he holidays k?alright((:

i had sum tutoring yesterday.was alright uh.the students were quite active not like last week.well, dats gd !
during training, the ncc boys were having their PT beside us.walau, they shout very the loud sey. i cnt even hear my coach !haha.well, they are men, they suppose to be loud. rite?

burfday cuming but i dont think anyone remembers .well, it has always been like dis.jus wanna say thx to a certain frend for remebering my burfday and giving me a present super early((:hehe. i really appreciate the fact that u remembered.thx loads ! haha.
well, i gtg. wanna go library with syahirah and aisyah((:
buh-bye !

Monday, May 21, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:55 AM

monday, a start of a new week.its alrd after exams luh.so pls, teachers, give us a break pls.i dont wanna keep studying like dis.today tot will have the npcc thingy, but den reach sch alrd, started raining arld.so too bad.hehes.but gd uh, no nid to go assem ((: cos assem is boringgg uh.so i reached sch with the big yellow plastic bag filled with class tee ! yeah pple, dose whu havent pay up pls pay up.i used my money to pay for the balance class tee uh.and i'm currently broke.so pls...yeah.

so in class took the pledge den just sit and stare at the board.bored uh.nthg to do in sch.budden, have physics.and have lesson.haiyo, need to study sum more.budden i didnt pay attention.hehes.i talked2 and laugh2 with syahirah.and i think mr wu saw us.hehe.but he also cnt do anything.hehe.played the lame hangman with dem, haiz...so sian.i always get hanged one.so the moral of the story is....to watch more cartoons at kidscentral in order to win in the hangman games.hehes ((:

after dat, do sum cheers and formation.wah, i had a bad hair day sey.my hair was in a mess.flying here and dere.hehes.and class, pls participate luh for the cheering com !pls...dont make our class paisey lehh.so pls, cooperate((:i would really appreciate it
kklah.buh-bye !

Saturday, May 19, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 10:53 PM

green rox!hehes.i'm so crazy over green.yesterday was a sat, a family day((: went out with family at night.sent some orders to cousin's hse first before we searched for a place to eat.haha.in the morning, went out with faz and izyan collect class tee.nicenicenice.but sry to the pple which we gave wrong sizes ! we will do smthg bout it.definitely ! no nid to worry, the shirt is nice !except for the man in front.looks like santa clause.hahahas besides dat, everything was fine.

i was supposed to study for my madrasah exam today.but yesterday, whole day i went out.hehe.so no time .wen i reach home, 11 plus alrd.managed to read up sum notes den went to sleep.hehe.dis morning wake up early to study and the paper today wasnt hard uh.hehe.it was fun sitting in front.dey all like to talk crap luh.cheeseburger luh....and wadsoever.especially the arab.hehe.dey donno wad ask me and my frend.den if seriously dono, jus suite in anything.the ques which we are suppose to look for the meaning in the dic, i hentam one.donno where i put my dic ((: dey more pro ask teacher.den if teacher don wanna tell, dey jus suite in anything.alah ni bunyi mcm rojak letak je lah rojak ! haha.dey and their nonsense

well, ntg to do today.so slack at home whole day.hehe.2o3 peeps !if u reading dis, pls stay back tmrw and tues for cheering com.we seriously need to start prac alrd.wed is the day.and pls cooperate luh.we need everyone.we need the class spirit !yeah.so plsmake urself free !
kklah buh-bye !

fana HandWritten on; 2:43 AM

yeah, finally can blog after a long break.blogger is finally back to normal.i change song arld.hehe.a lot of things happened dis week.too bad i cant blog.either im too tired and lazy or blogger givin prob.but dats all over.hehe.so lets see wad happened...

wed huhs.oh,hmm.on wed,nthg much happened.training after sch and i think i got back my math and physics paper.math i did alright.and for physics, i was so happy dat i manage to pass da paper.hehe.i wrote rubbish luh cos during the examination, i concentrated more on chem as it has a higher percentage.hehe.so dere was little time left to do physics.and unfortunately, the paper was hard so i had no choice but to write whatever i think is correct uh.hehe.i think dat for the sci exam dis term, the multiple choice helped me alot.hehe,it wasnt hard.but the section b and c pushed my grade,but luckily, my overall grade didnt touch a C.dats my aim for this SA cos i wanna get into triple next yr((:

hmm,thu.there was dis leadership wksp on thu.it was so boring luh.cos i had gone thru thousand of times alrd.cos i was a prefect in pri sch, i had to attend leadership courses here and dere and i think its more fun den dis one!aiyo, so boring.i didnt even listen to wad she was saying luh.we were doing cheering com, reading comics and so on.wad a waste of money luh.and i think the games they had was the same as last yr's.haiz..waste time ony.after dat was supposed to be our bbll and netball finals but den rain.wad a luck.so it had to postpone to fri.

friday.wahh, i'm so busy on friday.run here and dere.firstly in the morning, we had this personal grooming wksp.its alright luh.luckily the instructor handsome, if not i wont pay attention.hehe.nid to do catwalk luh.den at 12 , we had to do cat walk in front of the whole lvl sey.memalukan tahu tak! aku dah lah tak pakai baju umah, pakai baju skolah.haiz.i totally screwed it up luh.kk, nvm.wanna forget that ever happened.hehes.
den i had dis tutoring at teck whye pri.we were arld late luh.so i ran back to class, and wen i went up the stairs, i fell.wad a luck.hehe.i'm too accident prone.forgive me for dat((:
so jus grabbed my bag and ran down.den we had 1 min to reach teck whye.cos i promised 1.15pm to be dere.hehe.so we ran to teck whye.and wen we reached dere, we were sweating like wad.wad a gd first impression sey.hehe.yeah, so while we waited for the teacher, i wiped my sweat and cover my wound.hehe.so met the children, pri 4 and 5 children.so cute and their sch is so big and beautiful luh.hehe.but den uh, they all so quiet.so not fun !.haha.we were doing most of the talking luh.so it wasnt fun at all !.hehe.finished, ran back to sch cos have interclass bbl and netball.
hehe, we won both ! congrats u guys !well done.they were rough but we were rougher((:
hehe.sry for making u guys fall or anything.hehe.
den go for training.haiyo, sry coach.my performance wasnt gd.i was tired.i noe i must show 100% in every training.i will try my best.even though i was tired, i did work hard in the drills.so sry bout the court game.it wont happen again.
so the whole they, i practically ran here and dere.and falling here and dere.hehe.well, dats for this week((:
tata! buh-bye !

Tuesday, May 15, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:13 AM

oh gosh, my geog results are out.haiz.i'm so dissapointed with myself luh.so terok leh.just pass.hehe.but at least pass(: haiz, tmrw get back physics, math and lit.haiz, hopefully math and lit ok ok uh.physics comfirm fail one uh.hehes.no nid to see the paper noe alrd.wad telah happen luh farhanah??

today was netball inter class !hehe.funfunfun.yeah, we got to the finals.against 205 agains.haiz.bbl with them den netball also with dem.the finals is on thursday, both netball and basketball.gosh, gonna be tired luh.

wahh, dis whole week i stay back everyday sey until very late.
mon have besketball
tue have netball
wed have training
thu have bbl&netball
fri have training.

haiz.. can faint luh like dat.hopefully, i can survive dis week.yeah.wanna sleep arld.i noe, its early.ony 9.30pm.aiya, dats me.dis week no hwk so sleep early luh.hehe.sum more so tired((:
well tata.

Monday, May 14, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:55 AM

interclass besketball today.yeah.wasnt really sure of the games rules and oll at the beginning.so wasnt confident that we could win.hehe.but we did.yeah.was incredible luh.i had no idea how to play while the other teams have ex-bbllers.haha.jus anyhow pass2 and shoot((: yeah so the score for the games was:
so were on our way to the finals and hope to clinch the champion dis yr.yeah.and it this thursday((:
pple gd luck aites? we will vs 205 agains.like last yr.yeah.so all the best my team !

tmrw interclass netball.haiz...i dono how to play luh.we have the ipw presentation after sch.how can we postpone dat or or game? maybe we have to forfeit the game...haiz.oll our hard work will go to the drain luhs like dat.jus hope deres a way out frm oll dis.((:

yeah.tired alrd uh.so tata.
buh-bye !

Sunday, May 13, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:57 AM

hello pple((: first of oll, i want to wish all mothers a HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY !.yeah.dont u even take a step into the kitchen, just rest for the whole day.and ur family will serve u.hehe.dis is da day when we tell our mothers how much we appreciate them and how much we love them.hehe.

yeah.so today as per normal, go sch.nthg to do dere sey.i finish my oral weeks ago and i have nthg else to do in sch except to stare at the whiteboard.haha.yeah, lucky have my mp4 and handphone.so i can sms my frends or listen to sum music.hehe.but unfortunately, my hp battery died)): i forgot to charge luh.or rather, i dono where i put the charger.hehe.well, i must overturn thw whole hse to find it luh.dats how i keep my stuff.anyhow anywhere.hehe.and den my mp4 battery almost died.lucky almost ony.hehe.at least have smthg to keep me alive and not die of boredom.so for 3 straight hrs listen to mp4 and stare at the whiteboard while my frends struggle with their oral.

ouh.did i tell what i did yesterday?hehe.yesterday i practically cleaned the whole hse.for no particular reason.since exams are over and my mad exams is next week & i have plenty of time to study for, i had nthg to do yesterday.firstly, it oll started frm my bed.my mom wanna change the cover.so she took it out den ask me to find the other one.den i searched my whole room for it.haha.in the end, i discovered it hidden under my bed.yeah, my bed is a sofa-bed.can change to sofa or bed.hehe.den can put stuff under it.so i open the compartment and took out de bed cover.hehe.and i found some very very old stuff there.oll my pri sch stuff dere, so i took out one by one reading whatever is down dere.i found some old wksts.pri sch wksts.and den journals and diaries.yeah, i read them all.den my old magazines.wow ! dere was alot of old stuff down dere.stuff which i dont wanna throw away cos it brings back memories.even my wksts.((:after dat, i realised dat i had taken out everything and my room is in a COMPLETE mess.yeah, i really mean COMPLETE MESS.hehe.everything was everywhere.so i started cleaning.and i tell u, if i start cleaning my room uh, i must clean everything in my room . so after yesterday, the room was clean for teh first time.hehe.and i did throw some old rubbish.at least dat leaves me some space to keep my sec sch stuff.hehe.and i think i throw a total of 5 big plastics bags.haha.dats alot of rubbish !
dat wasnt enuf, i went outside den clean the living room and my parents' room.hehe.the only room i didnt clean was my bro's room.hehe.he wont let me touch anything luh.so no nid to clean his room luh.hehe.phew, wad a day.i finished cleaning everything at about 2.30pm hehe .frm morning till 2.30pm ah.hehe.yeah, so dat was yesterday.

so back to today, after mad, my family wanted to go out and eat.cos mothers' day wad.((: den eat seafood at i dono where.my bro didnt follow cos he was studying for his chinese exam tmrw((:

haha.okluh.dats for today((:

Saturday, May 12, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 12:59 AM

yeah.finally can blog.its been a while since i've blogged.i miss blogging((: eversince exams was OVER, alot of things had happen and will be happening.i seriously cant wait for it.its time to relax and have fun guys.
we had studied hard and now its time to play hard.hehe((: after exams, wad we do in class is basically watch videos or such. except for math.haizz, after exams still nid to study and do hwk uh?ket us rest can?we've stressed ourself for 2 whole weeks and i've even skipped my meals to study.give us abreak luhh.puhlease..

soccer inter class has started.too bad out of 3 games, my class lost 2 games.yeah.i've expected more of them.maybe they were'nt ready.but its ok.just try ur best!one more game rites?if i'm not wrong.well, i wish u guys all the best.u got my support.i've been watching ur games and i can say dat uve tried ur best((:

now its my turn.our inter class besketball and netball is next week.besketball is goin to be on Monday and netball tuesday.i'm scared now cos i donnoe da rules to basketball.hehe.i jus noe how to bounce2 den score.wad else uh?oh yah.i donno how to even start the game or how to play with 3 members only.haha.gd luck to me den.i just hope i wotn let the team down.netball on tuesday and our greatest obstacle is with 205.yeah.they won last yr and we wont let it happen again dis year.haha ((: JIAYOU ! my class.

haiz, gotten back my mly and chem results.not gd.not gd at all.yeah, i almost failed my chem and for my mly, i got b4.wad happened to me lah??so stupid suddenly uh?haha.well, its over and i nid at least 14 marks to pass science.i wanna get triple next yr.i'll hope to do better for end-of-year.yes!i will not fool arnd anymore.if i do, sumone pls slap me.real hard on the face and wake me up frm my lala land.

yeah.cheering comp nearing.its on 23.and lucky we didnt get kick out frm cheering com bcos of dat idiot.haiz, one idiot, the whole class nid to suffer.class tee made arld((: but has yet to collect.hope its nice.but the prob is now, we havent prepare anything for it pple!yeah, u've heard it NTG!no cheers, no steps no ntg.we shud actually start practising by next week arld lehh.haiz, dont let it be like last yr uh, prac last minute den all screwed up.haiz, c'mon 203! let the 203 spirit fly high and roar!any suggestion for the steps or cheers, pls feel free to tell us.((:

yeah.dats it.actually deres more but i forgot about it arld((: see lah blogger down for so long until i forget i happened dis few days arld((: i'm jus glad its back to normal.sry if this is a long post yea..

Saturday, May 05, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 11:10 PM

omg! blogger's back to normal arld!hehe.now i can post and have alot to say.
but i'm lazy to state everything dat had happened.hahahahahas.((;

words carnt explain how i did for my goeg exam.without even looking at the results, i can sense dat i screwed it badly arld.but, my frend, i did try my best.i guess my best isnt going to get me a good grade since i've lost 6 marks arld.hehe.i left out 2 ques which is a total of 6 marks!omg!if only i had concentrated on that chapter more, i will have no prob doin dat ques!haiz..the last ten minutes was full of pressure cos i still had 3 more ques to go which is a total of..hmm...let me see...omg! 9marks.hehe.but i managed to do the 3 marks ques so dat leave me with 6 more marks!hehe.and i'm certain dat i just suited in ans for a few ques.so just wish me gd luck when facing the results.i tell u, i wont be shocked to see what i will get.((;

well, i actually plan to just stay at home on saturday but my frends asked me out to make the class tee.and i had nthg better to do except revise math so i went out.at least dats better den facing the math book for two straight days.((:we went to queensway, den jurong den i went to cwp((;.hehe.it was alright but it would be more fun if more pple can come((:

i was looking thru my diary which i passed arnd my pri 6 class after PSLE for everyone to write in.i reallyreally miss you guys!i wish we could turn back time and spend time with each other again.do u guys still remember the times we spent staying back to play badminton, bb, voleyball and many more?it was so fun.we had pranks and fights but whenever fights happened, we still made up.well dat means that dis friendship is meant to last.it can nvr be broken.6W2, i miss u guys.our class was the most coolest yet the most hated by the teachers class.we always got scolding by teachers.dere was even one time when our class got scolded by 3 teachers in a row!we got scolded in the hall, 2 times, den in class one.wahh.very scary hor.hehe.but our class stayed together and fought for wads rite!and i cherish dose moments mann.we've struggled together and we also worked hard together for PSLE.my frends, do u guys still remember those times when we came to sch early and studied for PSLE?and those times that we played as a class at the nearby playground and was chased by our DM?hehe.we were not suppose to play dere but we did and hell yeah, we got into big trouble.hehe.but luckily no one was caught and we got off easily.hehe.we played blind-mice, catching and many more.dose were the times...and do u guys still remember birthday parties which we had went together?the biggest one was me and my frend's burfday.her's is 6 june and mine was 5 june.so we had a party together in her condo and is was super fun!i cant forget all this moments.we pplayed water bomb like crazy and i got alot of presents.hehe.thx alot for making it a memorable burfday for me.i rarely have pple giving me presents for my burfday.and i doubt it is goin to change dis yr.haiz..
well, i just wanna say dat dis memories will be cherished in my small yet memorable diary.i hope to have another gathering dis june holidays guys.((:

Thursday, May 03, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:00 AM

yeah pple wish u guys gd luck for tmrw's paper.especially those having geography.i noe deres a lot to study for it.i still havent finish studying for it.just do ur best.and hope god will help u in the way.insya Allah.

today, woke up ard 10am.hehe.i donno why i woke up late today.hehe.maybe cos deres noone to scream at me when i'm still sleeping after 9.hehe.everyone's out.and i'm alone at home.anyways, i woke up cleaned the whole hse.since its in a mess den eat.after that started my revision.yeah and i tell u, i'm trying to squeeze the whole book into my head.i wish deres like smthg i can do to help me memorize the whole book.haiz.bout 189 pgs.any suggestions?well, as i said b4, i havent finish revising everything.cos i nid to understand everysingle page of that book.

yeah.and at 12, my mom asked me to fetch my lil' sis back frm sch.she's went to jurong bird park today and theres no transport back home.and since i'm not going to sch today, i just picked her up ler.cant escape dat((:reached home at bout 3pm.den reach home continue studying.

OMG!i just read the past yr mid-yr papers.and its damn hard!i cant even do nor understand the ques.i'll surely die like dis.really nid help.tmrw i wanna find a geog teacher and ask.and my teacher says dat the exam will be smthg like dat paper.or HARDER!haiz..
kkluh.gtg.wanna cont studying.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 3:15 AM

hey pple!its true, it did rain.
and my mom was nagging to me asking me to bring an umbrella.
but its so freaking big luh.
so borrow frm next door((:
so i had to bring a pokerdots umbrella to sch cos dats all that's left
and its so freaking irritating cos it cant close luh!
my frends tried hitting it against the wall and still ntg.
so had to open it and put it outside.haaahs.

it was still raining when i reached sch so it was so cold luh.
somemore i was sick((:
but luckily it stopped in the afternoon((:
wah everytime near june den the raining seoson start arld.
my birthday den rain.haiya.so sway.
have been like dis for years.

haiya, i'm seriously lazy to continue posting luh.
cos i'm so worried bout the geog exam dis friday.
anyways, gd luck to those taking mt exam tmrw uhs!
hope u guys will pass with FLYING colours.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 2:07 AM

wow, i just realised that i had alot of typos in my posts.((:
well, cant blame me, blame the keyboard.

i just wanna warn everyone to bring ur umbrella tmrw aites?
haha.cos i have music tmrw and its sure to rain.
it happened before and it might happen again.
or maybe, smthg worse will happen((:
we may nvr noe.so just beware!hahs!

yeah.today is labour day.
so my family went out in the moring.
altho i'm sick, i cant miss this family outing.
cos its been a while since we went out together.
well, we just went out to eat uhs.
but at least we spent time together!

ahas.dis week so fun.
monday sch
tuesday no sch
wednesday sch
thursday no sch
friday sch
haha.yeah.so we will miss both the geog period!

today, whole day i watched tv.
watched movies back2back.
nice shows today.
cos public holiday what((:

well, i noe i shud be studying for my geography.
ahhas.ltr den ahs.