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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Monday, April 30, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:54 AM

i'm starting to fall in luv with red((;
but, green is still my favourite!

heylo.well, today, lots of things happened.
and my flu is getting worse and their isnt any tissue in my house!gosh.
at class, my frends even brought a box of tissue for those whu need it.
well, i think de class virus is starting again.
and as sual, i will be affected first((:

well, firsly of course class T needed to be submitted by today!
hahas.my classmate has yet to finish it but she rushed and completed it.
anyways, its done and we've submitted to to MR TAN arld and i hope it will be approved.((:she had in a lot of effort u noe..

well, den there was sum prob dis morning.i happen to wake up late((:
and so did my frends.haha.so no one met anybody today, we went to sch seperately.haha.one took bus and the other 3 took train.hahs!pros.

yeah, and wen i came down the 190 bus, gosh saw dat tiger's face.and i was listening to my MP4!i donno wad he was doin at the bus-stop but i just walked away and quikcly hid my MP4.haha.so pro rites.i went up to class and met my frends.they were all like not happy.and wen i asked why, dey said dey had to meet dat tiger cos of wad silly reason which i think is nonsensical.so dey met him and he asked dem to meet him again after sch!my frend came back to class sobbing saying dat dat tiger wanna check their bag everyday for handphones and what so ever.wad the heck lerr.i brought both my phone and mp4 today luhhs.but i manage to hide it.haha.((:

den it was DNT.yay!got to finish the project today.haha.well its a must anyways.haha.we seperated our work and it was done in less than 2 hrs!haha.wellm we manage to get the evaporating dish from mr HAMID.he's so nice.well thank you!for saving our day.it was submitted altho i think its not up to standard.((:

yeah dat was basically wad happened today.phew, wad a day.

Saturday, April 28, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 10:26 PM

this is soo sweet!((:

Girl: Do i ever cross ur mind?

Boy: No

Girl: Do you like me?

Boy: Not really

Girl: Do you want me?

Boy: No

Girl: Would you cry if I left?

Boy: No

Girl: Would you live for me?

Boy: No

Girl: Would you do anything for me?

Boy: No

Girl: Choose--me or ur life

Boy: my life

The girl runs away in shock and pain,and the boy runs after her and

The reason you never cross my mind is
because you're always on my mind.

The reason why I don't like you is
because I love you.

The reason I don't want you is because
I need you.

The reason I wouldn't cry if you left
is because I will die if you leave.

The reason I wouldn't live for you is
because I would die for you.

The reason why I'm not willing to do
anything for you is because I would
do everything for you.

The reason I chose my life is becauseYOU ARE MY LIFE.

itsnt it sweet?((:
anyways, i am posting dis cos i donnoe wad to post.
haha.and dis conversation is so sweet((:

Friday, April 27, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:50 AM

K,I'm so happy to see our project in one piece!((:

its a miracle u see.we nvr had thought our project can finally be completed.or at least in one peice.but it finally did!yay!haiz.dont nid to worry bout dat anymore.now, what i nid to worry is where to get evaporating dish.haiz.sum pple dont even noe what the heck is dat.how am i suppose to find it?

yesterday, nthg interesting happened.jus bout our project almost done((:oh ya.deres public speaking yesterday.the 207 pair very pro lahhs.dey talk like one experts.especially de gurl.she's like the adam's family gurl.this pair can memorize the script sey.and the way dey speak were as tho they had done public speaking thousands of times b4.i lioke dem!hehe.they truly deserve to win((:

yeah.today i dono y i'm super happy.maybe the weather or the morning or the lessons or the drama or bcos i get to go home early today and i can sleep all i want when i reach home(:so sleepy in the morning.hehes.the weather wasnt too hot, wasnt too cold.it was jus rite.he morning turned out fine as i predicted except the vp speech.today's lessons were rather not boring.haha.compared to other days.the drama was ok.we get to bring our scripts so no nid to memorize so many things and i get to go home early today and eat ice-cream with my frends!hehe.so long nvr eat ice-cream arld((:

i went home on com, eat, sleep den did some hwk((:and now i'm here.haha.kklah.buh-bye!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:15 AM

oh man, i cried.

yeah.today i donno wassup with my leg but it seems to hate me so much.i have been getting cramps whole day.donno when it will stop.maybe tonight, i'm gonna shout my lungss out cos of this cramps.and i wanna say sry to diyanah cos i shouted at her hse.heees((:.u dont now how painful it is and i seriously cant stand it.in mly dey call it simpul biawak but whu cares.well, all my mom does when i get this simpul biawak is push my leg.but, when i was at diyanah's, my leg cant evan move so i was shouting like hell and dey laughed.haha.during math class also i got dis attack and i was shouting like crazy.and dey cant do anything((:

we went to diyanah's hse to watch a dvd((:veryvery sad.i cried like crazy.i hugged the pillow which was in front of me.sry guys, i jus cant take it, its too sad and the only thing dat i can do is cry((:
ahh.now the movie is still in my head.can still rmbr the scenes, especially the sad ones)):ahh.feel like crying again.i wish i could hug sumone((:

yeah.it was raining.i went home walking in the rain.my blouse, skirt, shoes ,socks, bag everything is completely wet!haiz.and i havent cure frm my fever and i think it will get worse((:

kklah,gtg buh-bye!dont feel gd((;


Tuesday, April 24, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:01 AM

ouch!my head hurts )):

yeah.my head still hurts after doing 2 tests in one day.i did math and literature tests today.of oll subjects y must it be literature?at least math was ok.but literature was killing me cos is it has smthg to do with eng.haha.which i sux in)):

but lucky it was an open book test.cos i didnt study for it ah.and lucky i remembered to bring dat book cos yesterday, i slept damn early sey.like 9 plus like dat i sleep arld.haha.after i went offline, i went to my room.just wanted to rest for a while but my rest became a sleep.haha, i think cos my head was spinning.and my nose was very irritating.haiz.how come dis yr i fall sick easily?

yeah.today online at 5pm.den i go eat at 5.30pm.den after eating went back to the com.checked my mail, friendster and dis blog.den 6pm.went to watch tv.my bro came home.i watched tv until i slept cos i had a slight fever.haha.so anyone out there whose msn mssgs i didnt reply, i am truly sry cos i think my bro used the com and he closed all the chatbox.haha.anyways, the mssges were saved and i got ur mssg((:

k.i slow.i noe dat.so sry i didnt pass to u book 9 ah!hees((:too busy with tests dat i didnt have time to read.sry cos i didnt think bout other pple.i only think bout myself!)):yeah.so sry. i'll try to complete reading it by tmrw k?yeah,agian, sry.

collected my specs just noe.nicenice((:

tmrw have DNT den PE!yeah.i luv PE man.except if we nid to run.other den dat PE was always funfunfun.((:

kklah.till here.buh-bye!

Monday, April 23, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:33 AM

yay!i simply luv green&orange(:

ok i'm going nuts over english exams.i never fail to screw every eng test or exam.its just getting worst and worst.and i donno how to improve it besides reading.books and me just simply cnt get along well.hehes.((:

yeah.so today was my eng paper and as i predicted, i screwed it):.haiz.nvr fail to do dat.especially the compre.i even read the passage 4 times but i still cant understand it.the questions even worse.when i read the first ques, i went heh?wad are they crapping about lahh.

after dat i was just looking around hoping i'll find ans.but unfortunately, i realised dat i was jus dreaming.ans will not jus drop frm nowhere.so i jus gave it a hot.haiz, nampaknyer aku kena tawakal je ahk.harap2 pass..haha.

tmrw gonna stay back do DNT.bcos we jus got to noe dat our dateline is this thurs and as i said, we havent completed it.haiz.den i'm going to collect my specs.cant wait for it!yay!k.dats for now.buh-bye!


Sunday, April 22, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:47 AM

purple is nice(:

i donno y but i suddenly feel like blogging today.
actually, i wish to share some stories.
alot of things happened on friday.
but then, i ws too tired to blog.so here it goes(:

friday started like a normal&ordinary day.
except dat it wasnt a normal and ordinary day((:

had lesson as usual.first was IPW.
but most of my frends spent dat period studying for the physics test.
haha.the test was not easy and i didnt manage to do some ques.
not bcos i dont noe how to do
well, maybe, if i can even understand the ques@:
my mind was so blank dat time.haiz.i think i'm gonna screw dat test):

after recess wad chem(:
jus went thru some wksts and den it was hmt
during hmt, the teacher jus talked for the whole 1 hr
he also told us some of the exam's ans.
well, i think i'm gonna score badly for the comprehension):
den he left us to do our own things.
den my frends wanted to practice some of the steps(:
haha.infront of cikgu rahim some more.
i only did once ah
den i stopped until the end of the period(:
haha.the steps were nicenicenice(:

den i had training.
k.shirlyn told me dat coach wanted to see me b4 prac):
and i think its something bad.
and wen i met her,
wad i thought was rite.
she asked me bout the luege thingy.
she got the wrong info
she tot dat i didnt want to go
but actually, i wanna go but cant.
i arld noe dat i cnat go.
even without asking my parents
wad more asking dem.
but i just gave a shot
and i got scolded!):
despite the scolding i got, coach tot i didnt wanna go bcos of some one.

she gave the wrong info.
so now she thinks bad bout me):
haiz..my day is getting worse by the minute)):

trg ended around 5.yeah.went back home at 6.30(:
cos played monkey for a while.
wel,, at least dat cheered up my evening(;
spending time with ur frends can sometimes turn a frown to a smile(:
their LAMEness and SILLYness nvr fails to make me laugh.((:

yeah.so yesterday went to sunplaza to make specs
cos i heard dats it cheap dere!
haha,yeah.and my degree one of dem go up
one go down.haha.
donnp whether to be happy or not(:
today jus spent my day studying and watching tv.
haha.tmrw eng exam arld lehh.
haiyo.i have to pray hard for the best.
i'm gonna keep the promise i made with my frend.
do my best and i hope i get the best(:
u gave me courage to be brave enough to reach out for the best.
and i thank u for dat(:
kklah .gtg.


Friday, April 20, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 6:51 AM

hellos(: dont feel like posting
very tired ah.
so yea.jus gonna tell u wad i did today.
had sch.physics test):
after sch practiced some cherring comp. dance.nicenice(:
cant wait for it.
den have netball.
sry ah syahirah!bout the DNT scanning thingy.
hanafi havent finish ahh@:
thx for ur help tho.
yeahh.den played a game with my pals.(:
funfun.k i writing like wadd alrd.
damn tired.and nid to sleep.
tmrw gonna go out.
so yeah.
until here.buh-bye!


Thursday, April 19, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:16 AM

dis colour kinda nice(:

yesterday had hmt paper.wasnt easy but i just try to do my best.hahs!well, my language has never been good.the marks are always crap.especially my eng,haiz.heart pain sey looking at my progress report.eng and lit C5!and dats the only 2 subjects which i nid to improve on but looks like it hasnt improve at all and my eng paper is just 3 days away.:#

today's lesson were funfunfun!first was PE!yeah.had lots of fun lehh.we played soccer thruout the whole 1hr and my shoes are so dirty dat it doesnt look like sch shoes anymore.(:haha shouting around had made my throat sore.hahas.everytime we kick the ball anyhow, my frends will go all crazy and was being so sacarstic "yeah!nice kick dere" was the most common remark shouted today.hahas.but yet, we had lots&lots of fun!haha.

after PE was math.nothin interesting bout i cos math has nvr been fun at all.(:

den eng lesson was after recess.haha.we were given back our formal letter writing and my marks was 18, the same as half the class's marks.hehe.the teacher donnoe wad dive almost everyone 18.haha.but got one very pro gurl.she got 22.haiz, i wish i could be as smart as her(:

den it was goeg!the lesson was again boringgg but funny cos my frends took pictures and videos of dat irritating and sotsot teacher.so bad rite?haha.dont wish to talk bout geog ah.hate talking bout that teacher.

after sch, me & my frends completed our art.hanafi say wanna do DNT but he got the hwa chong thingy.haiz.donno wad will happen to our projetc ahh.

hehes.den after dat, we went to watch the hwa chong do the mly dance.(:funny.
me, izyan ,diyanah and umairah practiced some cheer moves cos cheering com is nearing and i cant wait for it!yeah!(:hope 203 wins again dis yr.cos 203 had been the champion last yr!(:rock on 203!(((((:


Tuesday, April 17, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:45 AM

yeah.trying a new colour(:

well, today's first lesson was suppose to be geog.hehe.but luckily dat teacher didnt come((: so we spent the whole 1hr talking and watching some funny videos.haha.very slumber but wad the heck!den it was eng.haiz.i hate the teacher's punishment.the gurls were suppose to do half-squad, which is damn tiring and the guys were suppose to do push up position until these pple get to ans the ques he ask.and i can tell u his ques are not easy.(:i truly pity umairah & zheng rui.dey had to do the half-squad for a longer time.actually 2 times.rite after they were allowed to sit, must do the half-squad thingy agains.haha.but umairah didnt suffer much cos she was cheating.whenever she was asked to do half-squad, she will pick up her bag an put it on the chair and sit on her bag.so since the teacher doesnt walk much, he cant see if she is really sitting or not.haha.pro rites.(:everyone ws arld laughing.

after recess was form class,followed by CME den math!haiz.mus see dat teacher's face for 3 straight hrs.#:form class was ok cos i was reading fruit basket agains.(:.but wen it comes to CME and MATH! the boredom arrives.and during the break btw form class and CME, i managed to have a nap.(:very quick one but worth it.haha.when i woke up, my hand was again decorated by my frends.and the weird thing is dat y cant i feel it wen i'm sleeping?haiz.and i saw a math wkst on the table.HUH?was the first word i said.den syahirah said dat the teacher taking math for 2hrs.den CME push until after exams.haiz.worst still, more boring.):

yepp and after i completed the wkst given, i took another nap!haha.and it was a longer one.heck care ah, my head was dizzy and my eyes cantbe helped arld.so jus slept.and again, i woke up with a fully-decorated hand.haiz.wen will dey stop.@:

after math was lit test!jus did anyhow.writing rubbish arld.de ques asking me, i ask the ques back.haha.funny sey.donnoe wad to rite arld ahh.(:

finally, DNT was half completed.haha.i didnt register so i got scolded(:but jus for awhile den he allowed me to use the room.(:.i did some nailing and gluing.it was alright i mean, at least it progressed.(:

played with de boys.haha.damn funny.but LAME.dats what they are.wen home with dem.watched some more videos.haha.ngeri sey video dieer.but oklah watched some funny videos too.(:

ouh gawd.tmrw is mly exam.hwk not done, havent started revision.klah gtg.i have alot to do now!buh-bye!

Monday, April 16, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:52 AM

today my bag was super light ah.i didnt bring any books.cos the whole day wont be in class except for the last 1hr45mins.yeah.the first period was mly.as usual, mly was super boring.but dat cant be blamed ah.the teacher is like dat(:hees.

den after mly have art.ahhh.dis one another boring sub.we spent the whole 1 hr talking crap but when the teacher come, we quickly changed the topic to art!hehes.wad the heck were we talking bout i also donnoe.jus continue wad they say.hehe.

after art was recess followed by DNT.hehe.our product is still de the same from the beginning of the 2hr lesson till the end.and we are suppose to hand it in next week!so too bad, have to stay back for a few days to do this DNT.i jus wsh i could withdraw frm dis stupid project so that i can concentrate on my SA.haiz.my studies is dropping badly now.

after dat eng.i didnt feel gd dat time.my head was spinning again.but i pretended like nothign happened.i hate to get sick cos ltr pple will ask me to go to the sickbay and rest &i hate the sickbay.it makes me more sick even thinking bout it.for eng, mr loi jus went through some wksts.and all we had to do is ans the ques.hehe.i didnt finish de wkst but he said at least we attempt to do, it will be ok.hehes.well, at least i tried some!

den it was hwk period.it was actually eng but since the hall is goin to be used for the higher mly paper ltr on, so the form teacher was suppose to come to the class.for i donnoe wad reason.
den after school have higher mly exam.wahhseyy.i can die of heart attack.i did badly!i screwed up the paper.totally screw it up!what telah happen farhanah!but its over.and deres nothing i can to do change it):

yeah.so after the exam, we played soccer with the boys.hehes.dey are do funny lahh.dey nvr fail to make me laugh.especially when playing netball(:
haha.and nadiah got hit badly by them.hehe.i just love my frends.dey nvr fail to make me happy day after day.(:


Sunday, April 15, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:55 AM

this weekend is just not the same for me(:i had to revise my work, study peribahasa, do my hwk and i'm catching a cold soon.so it was terrible for me.but the gd news is dat, there are no more PROJECTS!i'm so happy.

well, in the beginning of the yr, i was completely filled with projects & projects.until i dream of projects.haha.but, i managed to cope with it.staying up late all night really helped but it was tiring.(:but nevertheless, it was worth it.i'm just left with one more literature dramatisation.or wtv.i jus hate literature ah.but wad to do?haiz..

now left my eng wkst and i still need to memorize some peribahasa.i can tell u its not easy memorizing with a dizzy head.haha.but now, i'm better.i took medicine arld(:.so no nid to worry.and the eng wkst is making my head spin twice as hard.hehe.wad the heck.i'm writing rubbish.=)enng wkst is so difficult ah.i dont even understand a word.so i have to check dictionary but i'm too lazy to do dat.so online dictionary really helped me alot.

hehes.so dats my day.i got to complete dis irritating wkst now.buy-bye!

Friday, April 13, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 1:34 AM

yeah.sports day today.was very frightening and unexpecting.my first running event was 200m.hehe.when the gun was shot, i slipped and fell.my confidence was crushed.like wad the heck.but den i stood up and ran like crazy.fall, stand up and run.aiya.my hopes was crush lahh.dey were far.wad to do?my luck.haha.den after dat.i went for long jump.aiya, the sand kept going into my shoes ah.so irritating lahh.i jumped and my furthest is bout, 3.43m.i think.wad the heck lah.it was better during the heats.=(

den for 4x100m.haha.did okok.nvm guys!we did our best.maybe our luck wasnt dere.haiz.wad to do?,k so in the end i got 2 golds, and one silver.like last yr.and i won the individual champ.didnt expect dat.seriously.=)haha

kklah.i tired.buh-bye!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:10 AM

heyheyhey.today is the most tiring yet memorable day.hehe.kklah.i tell u frm the start.=)
ok.so when i reached sch, as usual, i played some ball games with my frends.den DNT.hehe.iwe cut some plastics, buffed some plastic.and untill now, our product is not even NEARLY DONE.when we have like only 3 weeks left.hehe.so prooo lahh.i forgot to bring my apron so i borrowed frm ain in 2A.thx aite!

alright,den it was PE.hehe.we took our height and weight and played soccer and basketball.hehe.its gd dat we dont have to run lahh.if not i would have fainted now.haha.played soccer in the feild.and it was damn slippery lahh.aiyo.i fell down like 5 times.i still remembered the first fall.haha.zheng rui fell and i slipped and fall over her.haha.sry ahs zheng rui!den the second fall with syahirah.haha.so proo lah me today.yahh.wen it comes to bbl, i slacked in the whole game.i jsu wanted to shoot lahh.if i played along, i would have died even b4 netball later.

den after PE was recess.haha.den the 2C boy.aiyo.stop it llahh.i noe.u kept on telling me lahh.haiz.jus stop disturbing me ah.pls.i'm tired.yahh.i didnt eat anything during recess so my stomach was like growling for the next 3 hrs.hehe.yeah,and the apron i borrowed, i left it at the CANTEEN!so sry ain.haha.so i had to SPRINT back to the canteen den to DNT block den back to l;ower sec campus after recess.but den, when we were going back, we were stopped my MRTAN!haha.aiyo, he asked us y we were late and blah blah blah.haha.

so after dat lesson as usual.nothing interesting happened.haha.BORINGGG.

yeah so after sch i had netball.haha.had to run outside with c div.and it was alright.not tiring not relaxing either.hehe.den had training as usual.den the boys were waiting to play soccer with us after our training.but den, while they were waiting, dey go and play soccer with a netball ball.haha.v lee was so angry at dem dat he sent out his 'guys' to find those boys whu played.hhehe,den wad?my frends cabut ahh.hehe.it was lucky of dem.=)

yehh.so now at home and doing my hwk,i'm famished.so buh-bye!

Monday, April 09, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:13 AM

playing soccer with my frends is really fun.hehes.but too bad i didnt feel too well didnt play properly.anyways, as per normal, gurls lost again.haha.but its ok.the game was jus for fun.cos my and my frends jus finished practising our dramatisation.haha.and now i'm left with GEOGRAPHY.which i have no idea how to do.and of course,CME which i dont bother to do.haha.if i have time, i will do it, MR KUEK.so sry i have not been doin my CME hwk.haha.

today was fyne.nothing special happened.jus dat i went home today by train.cos i was to tired to walk and anyways, i'm late.hehe.yahh.haiya, now struggling to do my geography.i'll try to suite anything ahh.haha.better den nothing.

kklah.now too tired.

Sunday, April 08, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 3:40 AM

my head is spinning now.and it hurts.i studied for like the whole afternoon.my hwk has yet to be completed and i'm planning to not even do some of them cos i donnoe how to do!yeah.and i hate to think so hard now.so today,i went for my class in the morning.nothing interesting happened except for my irritating-yet-funny class which doesnt fail to make me laugh every week.haha.my form teacher did not come do we combined class with next-door.which is 2B.haha.so it was damn boring cos nothing to do.and i have no mood to revise the arab.haha.so i just chatted with my frend and listen to some music.den after class, went to cwp for a while to buy liquid cos mine has finished cos SOME PPLE KEPT BORROWING IT.haha.actually i dont mind ah.yeah.den wen home and start my boooring revision ahh.

cant wait for the new week to start.cos every new week will have new and interesting things awaiting to happen.and OMG!i just realised i havent finish readin book 3.ahh.i so gonna die lahh.cos my frends werent allowed to continue book 11 as long as i havent finish readin book 1-10.haha.and i'm now at book 3 only.haha.aiya forgot ah.was too bz with revision.haha.besides dats way important.


Saturday, April 07, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 1:47 AM

yeah man.another day at home.haha.actually i wanna do some catching up on my geography which i am seriously left behind.haha.i didnt listen to any of the teacher teachings.i mean, its so boring lahh who wanna listen.hehe.now change teacher worst still sey.she only noe how to scold and scold.last yr also the same.the only reason i got A1 for geog last yr is bcos i studied superduper hard for the exams.haha.so i'm gonna do the same dis yr.but pple say sometimes, what worked the first time may not work the second time, but what de heck jus try.its better den me failing rite?well, i think it would be better if i study lasty minute.haha.cos if i studied too early, i would forget everything.yeah.

so today,i woke up, clean my hse, vacuum my hse, wash my shoes and studied geog a little.smthg bout population.hahaks.nvm bout geog.so now jus chillin out.oh yah!i changed my skin.hehes.hope u guys like it.well, i have nothing better to do.hehe.yahh.and its raining so i cant go out.hehe.so another day at home.yeah..bored to death laah.

kklah buh-bye!
lurbbe, FARHANAH

Friday, April 06, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:52 AM

yeah!today, whole day i slack at home.hehe.didnt even go out at all.the furthest i went is the rubbish bin outside my hse.hehes.yeah.damn slack lah.wad did u expect?holiday wad.haha.so i managed to do some hwk.and when i say some, i really mean it.i did one math ques only.hahs!dats some hwk i did. hehe. hey, at least i did smthg rite?so for the whole day, i watched tv, eat play com watch some more tv, eat some more and now here writing dis.wahh seyy.very 'fun' rite?

yeahh.tmrw, i plan to complete my hwk and wash my shoes.hahas.my mother jus now bising arld bout my shoes.hahs!so haveHAVE to wash it.heres smthg i wish to say to some one.

i'm sry i cant accept you.
if i did, it would be unfair.
i wish to acheive my goal first.
before of even thinking about dat.
i noe, its hard to accept.
but thats wad i wish to do now.
maybe what i want didnt come true.
but i sincerely accept it
if what i wanted came true,
ur friendship would be ruined.
so pls, accept this fact and forget me.
i'm sorry if i hurt u.
but i'm not ready.
but if u still wish to be frends,
i will be happy to be ur frend.


Thursday, April 05, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 1:07 AM

yeah.2.4km run is finally OVER and i'm happy dat i got A.i dont care wads my timing as long as its A.hehe.bofore the run, my body was torturing me lahh.my stomach muscle was like soo pain.and i have no idea how to stretch it lahh.haiya.kept asking everyone else and dey too did not noe.wad luck.but i jus ran and actually, i planned to run with jasmine and diyanah but too bad, my speed wasnt as fast as theirs'.haha.so i slowed down abit.

today's lesson was alright except for geography lahh.the teacher was really sickening lahh.she scolded 2 grps in front of the class.and my frend actually timed it.hahas.it was about 20mins.hahas.den she asked our class to do a wkst.and we are not to look in our books or talk to our frends.hahas.i didnt study lahh so i didnt noe ANYTHING!but i have frends which sat beside me and dey got some ans ahh.gd den.haha.i copied.and someone jus refuse to write BIGGER lahh.haha.

yeahh.finally, after 2 weeks, i get to go back early today.hahas.nothing on so went home ah.very tired ahh.everyday stay back.like siow.can go crazy seyy.tired like wad.den everydday didnt do hwk.haha.hwk period read comic.haha.fruit basket.hahas.kklah buh-bye!

lurbbe, FARHANAH

Tuesday, April 03, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 5:51 AM

yeah.napha test today.i mean the five stations.not so bad ahh.jus my 2.4 sux.yah.it really sux lah.aha.nvm bout dat.maybe one dya, i'm going to find a way to improve my stamina.hahas.k.bout the five stations.so far still can get gold.if i dont screw up my 2.4 run.yeah.and its on thursday.haha.so syiok.today which is atue have five stations, tmrw have netball and thu have 2.4 run.wahh.lucky friday have nothing on.and its a public holiday!but homework is sure to pile up.ahhh.haiz..

walau.like wtv ah.i noe it arld lahh!dont nid to like tell me anymore.are u like paid to do dat?lucky only syahirah heard it ah.its not like i will forget rite.and u keep telling me dat and u expect me to do wad?haiz..stop disturbing me lahh.i dont wan dis thing to be a big deal lahh.

after napha today, played netball with my frends.and of course, as usual, accidents will happen to me agian.hehs.its like wen i'm in dis sch, i'm so accident prone.haha.someone even said the sch had a curse on me.but the weird thing is that accidents only happen when i play with them.if i play with my team netball, nothing like dis has happen.at least not as many as when i play with them.hahas.

kklah.tired arld.hehs.homework has yet to finish.hahs!buh-bye!

lurbbe, FARHANAH