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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Monday, February 26, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 3:22 AM

my math results is out!
yeahs de one which i screwed up BADLY!
hehs.but the most amazing thing is that.
i passed!hahas.i did not complete 4 ques lerhs.
its like almost half of the paper undone.
donnoe how i can pass.

neways, tmrw eng and math exam.
eng only summary and vocab.
i totally donnoe how to study for eng larhs.
i mean wad can we do for summary??
vocab at least i can read the dictionary or smthg.
but i tell u, whatever i read, i wont remember .hahs.
so pro rites??

todays netball was alright arhs.
it was raining so we didnt do much arhs.
we ran for 15mins.and did caterpiller.
hahas.we id the run in de lower sec campus.
2nd storey and 3rd storey.
den there was the hockey boys.
wahh dey are so irritating.
they hit my head wen i was running arhs.
den when we did our caterpillar,dey ran
wahh dey ran like a bunch of elephants arhs!
like the building can collapes like dats

kklah,till next time.got a test to study for.

lurbbe, FARHANAH
*i'm so loving him each and every day.

Sunday, February 25, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 3:28 AM

Di daun yang ikut mengalir lembut
terbawa sungai ke ujung mata
dan aku mulai takut terbawa cinta
menghirup rindu yang sesakkan dada

jalanku hampa dan kusentuh dia
terasa hangat oh didalam hatiku
pegang erat dan kuhalangi waktu
tak urung jua kulihatnya pergi

tak pernah kuragu dan slalu kuingat
kerlingan matamu dan sentuhan hangat
ku saat itu takut mencari makna
tumbuhkan rasa yg sesakkan dada

kau datang dan pergi oh begitu saja
smua kutrima apa adanya
mata terpejam dan hati menggumam
di ruang rindu kita bertemu ..


back (*)

dis song really touched me.
this song really reminds me of him
but i have to move on larh.
maybe i shud jus forget bout him?

lurbbe, FARHANAH

Friday, February 23, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 3:44 AM

today, my team netball went to watch the seniors game
it was their important game.
veryVERY important.
but unfortunately, they lost.
but its alright, cos they have done their best.
& dats wad matters.
wahh de game swas very syoik arhs.
there were like so manyy spectators larr.
frm mgs, crescent, of course clementi town, nan hua and many more.
hahas.even my ex-coach and our ex-netballers came to support arhs.
that show how important todays game was.

i'm so the very the sad and depressed arh.
i saw it.i totally saw it.
hope it will not come true lar.
maybe wad my frend was right arh.
he said,
pple we love are those whom we are comfortable with.and we would love the person for whu they are and not for what they pretend to be.
its quite true arhs.
maybe u are jus not meant for me.=(
maybe i shall move on?

lurbbe, FARHANAH
*i'm so loving you each and every day.

Thursday, February 22, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 12:50 AM

i totally screwed up today's math test!AH!!!
i'm so gonna fail this test.
i cant do 4 questions lar.
its like so *toot* ahs.
nvm.i'v elearnt my lesson.
i'm so gonna concentrate on math.haha.

today's PE was fun!
we ran 2km.
den we played soccer.hahas.
its was ok lar.bcos i played with those whu are like me.
hahas.i mean those whu donnoe how to play soccer.
jus noe how to kick the ball here and dere.
hahas.so great.

my friend actually came to sch without socks!
she forgot to wear or bring.hahas.
cos she wear her shoes in her father's cars.
den she forgot her socks.hahas.
she was like asking everyone if they brought extra socks.
i mean whu will bring extra socks to sch lar.
only a weirdo will.
den she one leg wear ankle guard and the other nothing,
but after recess, she bought socks frm the bookshop arhs.
hahas.lucky no teacher saw it lar.
if not she will be in touble BIG TIME!

well, common test next week arhs.
so the very the tired.
lucky my zone tournament has ended.
bahs, havent start on my revision seyy.
dont wan to be like last yr larh.
study last min.
but it kinda work for me larh.
if i start too early, i'm gonna forget everything.

IZYAN! ur gonna be on radio today!
hehe.she is gonna be on radio everyone!
hahas.on ur radio at 9pm!
wakaka.well, my frend is a great singer lar.
she has the voice.but donnoe if it sounds nice on the phone.
cos sometimes, our voice are
different on the phone.
hahas.nvm izyan.we are totally gonna support u
haha.frm the back.
dont worry, we'll be here for u!

kklah guys, gtg. buh-bye!
*i'm so loving u each and every day. =)

lurbbe, FARHANAH.

Friday, February 16, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 4:19 AM

todae, although not eve of chinese new year, we celebrated
it in school.
in our very2 beautiful school.the whole sch squeezed in the hockey pitch.
sec 4 &5 were stading for 2 straight hours in the corridors of our
service block.omg, issint it tiring?
for me, whu is sitting, my leg was going to break sitting in the wet
and disgusting hockey pitch.
it rained last night and the pitch was so wet.
but at the end of the celebration, it dried up cos,
we helped to dry it.i mean, the water is already absorbed into out clothes larr.
but it was really meaningful cos its the first time ever our whole sch
get together to celebrate one occasion.
it was so exciting and jus, whoa!!
haha.everyone was coorperative cos dey knew dat our sch was
in need of coorperation as it was an open space.

the stage was facing a 25-storey building.so, people from dat block could
watch free show.haha.it was good that it didnt rain.=))
if it rained, lessons would continue and i havent finish my hwk yet.
hahaks.aiya, i mean whu cares?
at the end of the concert, mr tan was like thanking us,
poeple whu were sitting on the pitch.
he said,
"wahh let give thiose people siiting on the wet pitch appaluse.they sat
and dried for us the pitch.but later if they stand up, u will see that dey had wet their pants or skirts .hahas."
something like dat arhs.i forgot.
den the chairman from each class were asked to meet him.i guess.
den dere was a chariman, i think from 204.hahaks.
he was standing up facing his back to mr tan.
den mr tan annouced dat he could 'see through' clearly.
hahaks.so funny.he said dere was 'some blue'.wakaka.
aiyo.mr tan was dirty-minded lerhs.

k.enough of that.if he catch me talking bad bout him, i'll die.
no offence mr tan.=)
me and my friends went to cwp to eat mc after dat.
i was so hungry larr.
hahaks.kklah.gtg bye!

lurbbe, FARHANAH.

Thursday, February 15, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 2:34 AM

heys everyone.
now dat my tournament has stopped, i have time to blog!
well nothing much dis days.
jus hwk here dere, project here dere.
yesterday was valentines day.
actually, i wanted to express my feelings to him.
but, in the end i decided not to.
i dont noe exactly why.
but whatever it is, i wont express my feelings to him.
jus so you noe, i will always be there for u.
well common test is coming,
its the week after chinese new year,
oh yarh, before i forget.
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! to all my chinese frends.
well, i'm gonna study hard for the common test.
i'm gonna use the chinese new year holiday to do so.
gotta study hard dis yr.
no more fooling around.
its my streaming yr.and it determines wad stream i get in to.
oklah.gtg bye!=)

Sunday, February 11, 2007!
fana HandWritten on; 1:42 AM

Kita harus lalui kesusah sebelum kita menemui kemenangan.
Cinta tidak boleh dipaksa, disuruh, diperintah.
Ia harus ikhlas dari hati dan jiwa
Namun, kadang kala, cinta boleh silap
boleh buat kita silap memandang keikhlasan seseorg

Our zone tournament has finally ended.
Just like dat.Its quite wasted actually.
cos we need to win a game which we think we could win.
but we didnt.We didnt give out our best in dat game.
but, the last and final game, we really gave everything we had.
we jus fought on and nvr gave up.in the end we WON!
but it did not qualify us to the second round.
it does not matter much to me as wad matters is if we did our bes.
and its quite obvious for the last game.
i'm so proud of u guys!

although, we ended the game with tears, i felt like shouting out load.
why did we only start working hard towands the end?
why didnt we start earlier?WHY?'

Now that the zone tournament is over, i cna finally concentrate on my sch work.
i have no been concentrating on it.
hahas.not completing my hwk and projects are some of them
hahas.but now, i think i shud buck up.
streaming yr id this yr. it will determine if i qualify for triple science.
which i think is possible if i work hard.
haha. kklah gtg buh-bye!