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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Friday, June 30, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 5:32 PM

do u know wad is so extraordinary about todae's netball traning??
wad am i talking about..of course not..
my sch had s0me visit0rs frm overseas..
malaysia n thailand(hahas)
they performed at my sch t0gether with my band..
after the band..they had their refreshments..
then after they ate..
there are like 3 trays left full of food..
n the teachers donnoe wad to do with it..
so..they gave us,...netballers and we ate untill it was alsm0st finished..
never went home frm netball prac full..
klah bye =p

Thursday, June 29, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 5:26 PM

i go for my malay course..
donno wad the name is in eng..
we had it in the com.lab..
the bois frm the front moved to the back row..
the row dat the teacher cannot see u play the com...
so smart..
they switched on the com..
thinking dat me and my frends cannot see...
we knew dat..
but the teacher did not..
we kept disturbing them and the kept..
sayin' no we did not..
on the com..
when we can see the lights frm the back of the cpu..
and then when teacher teaching..
they kept looking at the monitor..
couldn't be that thay are lookin'..
at a blank screen rite??
den when its the part to do work..
they didn't hear the instructions..
didn't know wad to do.
untill now i don't think they know wad to do..
oklah bYe..<>__+

Tuesday, June 27, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 2:51 PM

remains me of the incident dat happened dis evening..
there's new bus..
i was suppose to take 900..
the 900A is in the same lane as 900..
so confusing..
we waited like siao..
for 900..
three 900A buses passed us and the 900 line ish gettin' longer..
then finally some1 decided to ask the drivers(900A)
then the driver said yaya...
this bus go the same ways...
jus dat it continues till the end..
klah ByWE+>>

Monday, June 26, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 2:40 PM

t0dae is kinda da 1st dae 0f sch..
it ish..
veri excited..
l0ng tyme n0 see my beloved friends..
miss u guys a l0ts...
anyways i'm b0red t0 death at home larx..
well first dae..
new teachers..new sub.
soooo boring..
da teachers in my sch are all so wierd..larx..
some are crazy, funny, disgusting, lame, and many more larx..
t00 much already argh..
ya.. and there's something special about my newest art teacher...
we had art lesson for 1hr..
dat is frm 8.40pm-9.40pm
and he is suppose to release us early 7mins..to get ready for the next lesson..
well actually da next lesson is actually recess..
doesn't matter..he still needds to realese us early rite??!!
for the whole art period, we listened to him talking..
was half dead alreadi..>> was so hangry and he was gettin' on my nerve..
so we decided to have some fun..
the new teacher said a lot of OKs..
we counted it LoLs..
for one hour..he said more than 120 OKs.
tehn recess tyme already..
he released us 10 mins late ..
no tyme to eat larx...
but we were like so happy dat we won't be seeing him again for another week..
then after recess..
deres a new sub.
IPW..donnoe wad the hell is that..
donnoe whu is da teacher..
then when we finally met the teacher..
guess whu it is????!!!!

Our art teacher!!!! aiya..another 1hr of his speech and his OKs...
we counted again and now..
he said like 150 OKS..
too much OKs alreadi...
ok larx...

Friday, June 23, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 7:02 PM

todae got netball..
i looking forward to it..
bored to death at home larx..
todae's traning..
quite gd..
cause we played mostly games..
ya..but i like it argh..
at least better than the normal trainings..
except for the runnin part..
still h8 dat part..
klah gtg bye (=p)

Thursday, June 22, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 8:58 PM

t0dae n0 sch s0 f0ll0w my family to arb st.
go buy clothes for hari raya..
met my cousins..
den go togethr..
my mom was like searchin' ..
the whole arab st...
actually the place isn't dat big larx..
jus a...well...st..
well quite tired argh..
go home den rest a while..can do hwk awadie..
wanna die...
untill now my hwk still a l0t..
i slack a lot argh

Wednesday, June 21, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 6:53 PM

todae got netball..
start at 3.30pm..
i go at 1.30pm..
well actually..
i went to causeway point first..
made new specs..
wanna buy wbks for sch..
well both also not in stock..
had netball..veri fun..but a little pain argh..
long tYme did not run argh..
oklargh..see u tmrw..

Saturday, June 17, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 7:30 PM

we are celebratin' mY special c0usin's birthdae..
his birthdae was Yesterdae..
but since it was w0rkin' dae..
we have the celebrati0n t0dae..
it will start after dawn..
but i came earlY t0 help 0ut..
he is 17 dis year..
he is a veri sPecial c0usin..
veri gifted and extra0rdinarY..
at ab0ut 5pm..
mY Parents came..
f0ll0wed by the rest...
after dat..
we watched s0me scarY m0vies...
and i mean M0VIES...
with the S at the back..
veri scarY..
fuLL 0f suspense..
we all g0t carried away bY it till f0rg0t..
wad Tyme it was..
it was alreadi 11pm...
t00 late alreadi..
well it was a veri unf0rgettable event..
dat will happen 0nce a year 0nli..
well t00 tired alreadi..
gettin' finger cramps..

p.s. did n0t p0st last few daes cause n0thin' t0 p0st..
0nli p0st if have s0methin' t0 p0st..


Wednesday, June 14, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 3:26 PM

weLl....t0dae dere's
klass gatherin'
yesterdae didn't p0st cause n0thin' t0 p0st..
s0m0re veri lazY t0 p0st..
well todae have so called klass gatherin'..
b'cause n0t even half the class is dere..
s0 me and mY fwens decided t0 watch a m0vie..
onli three 0f us..
we watched tHe 0mEn 666..
hehe...s0 scarY..
scared the heLL 0f me and mY frend GgT(Gek tenG)
we, mie,gt and azzie...watched it..
da' m0vie starts at 3pm
we b0utght da' ticket at 1.30pm...
s0 we have lYke 1hr30mins m0re t0 waste...
we t00k ne0prints...
plaYed s0me games at timez0ne...
n0thin' t0 d0..s0 waste tYme l0rs...
den s0methin' haPPened at the timez0ne..
i c0ntributed $2..
ggt also $2...
f0r da' games larx...
but she d0esn't have smaLL chanGe..
she 0nli g0t $10...
s0 she wanted t0 t0p up $4 rite??
den the place is lYke veri noisy...
she gave the m0ney t0 the gurl in charge...
ggt said...t0P uP $4...
wen she gave the money t0 da' gurl...
the gurl t0Pped uP..
she was s0 fustrated...
den wen ggt g0t da' card back..
da' gurl did n0t give ggt back her chanGe....
she waited dere f0r da' change..
den the gurl asked ggt ...
$10 rite...
s0 ggt said ya ya...
erm..y did she saY ya???
>>i guess ggt thought da' gurl asked ggt whether she gave her $10 or n0t ...
and she is lYke waitin'2 f0r the chanGe...
s0 me and azzie have t0 PuLL her...
she was still c0nfused...
so i explained t0 her...
she say huh!!???
but then she saY or..nvm2 lorx...
den after a while...
she saY..aiya..mY $6..
den she say 0r nvm2...lorx...
i realli pitY her..larx..
she have n0 m0neY t0 buY stuff f0r da'..
nvm larx...
we share moneY...
we watched the movie..
s0 scarY..
actuallY..it is n0t scary..
jus a l0t 0f suspense..
and the sound effect s0 l0ad ...
dat ish wad makes the m0vie scarY..
after da' sh0w..
wen straight back h0me..
s0 tired..>>jus kiddin' larx..

Monday, June 12, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 3:14 PM

an0ther adventure awaits mie..
as u all kn0w..
mY familY..
sell sataY..at the newt0n f00d c0urt>>which is lYke veri far frm mY hse...
mY dad wiLL send the sataY..
frm the hse t0 the f00d c0urt..
den mY father wasn't feelin' well..
mY m0m asked mie..
n mY brather..
t0 send it dere bY bus..
i send it...
bY the tYme i stePPed 0ut 0f the hse...
it was alreadi lYke 6.30pm..
hehe..late alreadi..
then som0re the bus j0urneY takes..
lYke 1hr...
maYbe l0nger since it is peek hrs..
i reached dere at 8pm..
i n0w have t0 g0 h0me all by mYself..(wit mY brather als0 larx)
s0 scarY..
an0ther 1hr j0urneY back...

0n the bus...
i remembered dat t0dae also g0t mY favourite sh0w..
anugerah skrin..
it starts at 8.30pm..
s0 i kn0w dat i w0n't make it..
cause of the l0ng bus j0urney..
s0b s0b...=(
its 0k..
can still make it..
c0nfirm will reach h0me b4 9.30pm larx..
den wen i reach h0me..
there was n0 c0mpetiti0n..
it was jus lYke interviewin' the c0ntestents..
s0 sad..
next week den it is the finals..
dats it
see u again..

Sunday, June 11, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 3:08 PM

t0dae wanna check 0ut 0f dis res0rt..
g0nna miss it...
wad am i babblin' ab0ut???
i can't like staY dere 4eva rite??
well we checked 0ut..
like at 12pm>>i think..
den we G0 eat at..
chanGi villaGe...
i ate nasi lemak..
well after dat i went h0me ..
and i slept the wh0le daY ...
till like 7...
den i wake uP...
s0 tired..
b'cause the dae b4..
i slePt at...2.30pm..
Ya..dats mY adventure 4 dat dae..
n0thin' much actualli..
butt at least somethin' better t0 d0..
den hwk,hwk,hwk..
can die 0f d0in' hwk..
jus kiddin'..
0k lar...
GtG 4 kn0w..

Saturday, June 10, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 4:41 PM

t0dae first dae at chalet..
at d0wnt0wn east dere...
n0w i at chalet..
havin fun...
wad did i d0 dere argh??
i went 0ff at 11+
d0nn0e wad tYme exactlY argh...
reach dere rest...den went 0ff aGain
t00k mY grandma here...
after returnin...
theY aLL gettin readY f0r barbeque alreadi..
s0 i als0 heLp>>LoL..
den niGht tYme...we had 0ur fun..
after eatin aLL..
mY cousins and i decided t0 g0 f0r b0wlin...
find the place lYke crazie cann0t find...
in the end..
realise dat the place had been thorn down alreadi...
sob sob...=(
butt nvm...
still g0t arcade and p00l...
we went int0 the p00l 'r00m'
g0t 'thr0wn' 0ut..>>hehe
b'cause under 18..
sob sob...=(
so sad again...
then finallY we went t0 the arcade den plaYed lYke wad...
went back t0 the r00m...
still n0t tired n0r sleepY..
i played s0me vedio games tiLL lYke..
2.30am in the m0rnin..
hehe sooo fun...
den after dat we slept..
oh ya..
f0rg0t t0 teLL u guYs wad happened b4 we plaYed the game..
we had a so called 'partY'..
celebratin' mY cousin and mY birthdae..
ya..dats about it..
veri fun..>>i guess
well for more new t0 wad happened da next dae...
staY tune f0r m0re..

Friday, June 09, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 3:49 PM

todae..was veri fun...
Yet tiring dae...
i had netball Prac...
it was raininG...>>as usual...
todae...not so borinG
cause G0t s0methinG...
t0 d0 dat wiLL n0t bore me t0 death...
jus kiddin...
wah..wh0le dae...
veri cramP...
l0nG tYme didn't run..stretch t00 much lYke todae...
haiz...n0w stiLL PainfuL...
butt i'm veri sure dat bY tmrw...
everYthinG wiLL be fine ...>>i h0Pe...
Pls...PraY f0r miee...
jus kiddin..
actuallY todae..Go chalet..
but then g0t this netbaLL traininG...
so have t0 go tmrw den..
h0pe i can recover bY then..
don't wan t0 sp0il the holidae...
yuPP..dats the 0nli fun thinG dat i wilL
do dis holidae..
h0pe i can make it..hehe>>jus kiddin..
mY brather and sista..
g0 first wit mY uncLe..
sob sob..
cannot g0 todae..
but nvm.. stiLL Got tmrw...
weLL the fun starts tmrw wat..>>rite??
whY am ia skin u dis..?
u don't even kn0w...
oklah..mY finGers are waY t00 cramp alreadi....
can die 0f fingers cramP u kn0w..
jus kiddin larx...

Thursday, June 08, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 5:19 PM

hehe haiz......
wen..is da rain g0in t0 st0P..
but its Great wit da rain ar0und...jus n0t t00 much 0f it..
weLL..t0dae is lYke anY 0ther 0rdinarY dae...
eat....sLeeP....drink...plaY...wadeva lah dat can waste mY tYme...
hehe jus kiddin...
ya i did n0thinG new t0dae except f0r 0ne>>but i don't think its new...
i did mY hwk and finallY...i c0mpleted 0ne 0f it...
mY math hwk...yessssssssssss....
finallY..i realli h8 doin dat..
but finallY....t0dae....i c0mpleted it...
hehe..imaGine...math hwk..c0mPleted...
i was reallY veri annoYed with dat thinG..
can make mY brain bursty...
hurtt itt alreadi..
but to badd...
i haven't c0mplete mY 0ther hwk...
haiz..stiLL g0t s0memore...
haiz...still g0t c0mpo...
i think i shud g0 n0w..
batter d0 mY hwk..
finish it...
weLL if i finish it..
i wiLL teLL u guYs kiess??
yuPP...weLL gtg f0r n0w...bYebYe...(:p)

Wednesday, June 07, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 6:47 PM

was a scarY dae b'cause we watched a scarY sh0w..
hehe==tricked u pPl....
weLL..jus did mY hwk>>as Per n0rmal...
eat..sLeeP...drink..watch tv...waste tYme...
n0 sPecial activitY todae...
weLL me and mY familY watced a scary sh0w...
it wasn't a gh0st storY...
jus a scarY sr0tY...
a l0t of u wiLl w0nder...
whY issit scarY..if it is n0t a ghost storY..
well it is a storY b0ut a gurl hu is P0sessed bY a sPirit..
and the sPirit is back f0r revenge>>i think
weLL en0ugh b0ut dat...
it still creePs me uP when i talk b0ut it...
well dat's f0r n0w.....
mY sista wans u use da c0m...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 9:19 PM

heY u GuYs 0ut dere....
b4 i start mY storY...here's...
s0mthG f0r mY 0ld sch frend..
haPPie birthdae!...weLL u kn0w whu u are rite...
weLL..stiLL can remember veri clearlY last Year..
we had a partY f0r me and u...
hehe..can't 4Get dat..
hehe anYwaYs..let me c0ntinue wit mY storY>>dat is if i have 0ne..
let me trY t0 remember wad haPPened todaY argh...

weLl nothin sPecial actuallY..jus a n0rmal dae...
at h0me...watch tv...eat...sleep...d0 hwk...
Ya...dat is h0w i waste mY tYme...t0daY...
hehe...jus wishin some1 f0r n0w...
till next tYme....
yes...2 m0re days tiLL the chalet..can't wait...
neri bored at h0me...alwaYs wastin tYme..d0in hwk...hehe
jus kiddin...
weLL gtg..bYebYe...(=

Monday, June 05, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 6:29 PM

todae is a veri sPecial dae f0r mie...
Guess wad??it's mi birthdae...
weLL..erm...wat did i d0 todae argh?
hmm...did not celebrate much jus...
wen t0 mi grandma's hse..
c0llected s0me m0ney$$..
hehe...jus kiddin larx..
anyways..the "real" celebration will be...
on 10th June which is 0n Sat...
Y??? dat's mi cousin's birthdae..and dat's the day that ...
we are havin barbecue...at>>guess??
hmm...downt0wn east...
actualli its chalet...and we are going dere on the fri tiLL sun..
h0w fun issit goin to be huh?
weLL if u wan to know....
stay tune...
for more...

weLL i'll continue wit mi storY...
hehe...my grandma live at UT...
s0 we decided t0 take a cab dere...
den when we...
abord the cab....mY m0ther>>as per n0rmal
t0ld him or destinati0n...
den he said ya ya...i know i know...
den mY mother t0ld him dat dere's a...
shortcut through the railwaY..or smth...i donno larx...den he said...
i kn0w i kn0w...ya ya..i kn0w i kn0w...
i always g0 dere...i kn0w i kn0w...
den...during the journeY...he passed the shortcut...
but lucilY dere's another one...
then he wen in the sh0rtcut...
he asked mY m0m...rite 0r left argh??
den my m0m said rite...
den he said n0n0n0 left..see dere g0t buildinGs...
i was sittin in fr0nt...
den he said i kn0w i kn0w...
argh!! s0 fustrated with his "i kn0w i kn0w"
den after we wen t0 the left..
he said...
aiya..dis 0ne goin t0 bt. Panjanglarx...
den he u-turned..
after reachin UT...
at the junction dere...
mY m0w said turm rite..
den he said i kn0w i kn0w...
den mY m0m said...g0 inside the carpark...
because the lift is in dere...den he said..
i kn0w ikn0w...
den mY m0m said the bl0ck is 642...
he said i kn0w ikn0w...
h0w d0es he kn0w dat the bl0ck ish 642??
mY m0m nvr t0ld him???
he's soo strange..
everYthg also i kn0w i kn0w...
haiya..h0w he kn0w i als0 donn0...
gtg bYebYe...(:

Sunday, June 04, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 10:44 AM

weLL...ab0ut my lyfe... i have new and interesting fwends.... hehehe but....they are s0metimes veri crazie... weLL like mie.... hehehe i enj0y my lyfe n0w....its veri interesting... with a l0t of wat malay pe0ple call...."cobaan" hehehe... ya....a l0t ot of obsticals.... fwendship pr0b...as per n0rmal... family pr0b....as per n0rmal...with my siblings lah!!(duh!!!!!!) and als0 s0metimes...financial and hwk and mental prob..... hehehe..... the las 1 jus kidding but the 0ther few are quite true.... weLL....like pe0ple say...th0se wh0se lyFes d0n't have obsticals are pe0ple with n0...well.....fun... but mine has a l0t 0f fun...with my fwends like that..hehehe weLL dats about it this time... see u again next tyMe!!!! bYebYe!!!!<:)>

Saturday, June 03, 2006!
fana HandWritten on; 6:40 PM

hihi once aGain t0 everY0ne...
weLL todae was a nice and sPecial dae...
u wan t0 kn0w wats s0 sPecial about t0daY???
mY cousins aLL came t0 mY Grandma's hse>which is Jus beside mine<
weLL i kn0w m0st 0f u will ask..s0??so wad theY came??dats n0t s0 sPecial rite???
weLL t0 me it is sPecial...its been a l0nG time since I met them and wen todae...
i finallY did..its like erm..how do i describe...erm..i dunno how to describe lar...but
the feelinG is like soo excited like dat...
hehe but actuallY i did not plaY with them..Jus watch them play...and dats Good en0uGh...
erm..wad else....i think dats about it lars..nothing to rite alreadi...bYebYe...

fana HandWritten on; 3:17 PM

hi everY1..
weLc0me t0 mY new bLoG....
0nce i had a bLog but...it seems dat there are a few prob...
weLL i decided t0 make a new 1
and dis is it...
weLL dats for now till we meet aGain...bYebYe(=P)