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Hanging out with her GERFRENDS&BOIFRIENDS.
Adores the colour orange&limegreen.
ENJOYS ! netball & chillin' out !
buy me sweets! & i will love you.

& to all my frends out there. I'm really lucky to have you guys, really. I smile everyday cos of you pple. No matter what, frends are frends, and no one can change that fact. You pple are always in my heart, in one way or another <3

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


aida amirulA amirulZ anna carlyna fazleen izyan lysah nadiah nurul sabrina shasha shirah syafiq syahirah tiara liyanaPB hazmie;D herniati
netball sasteraku

Desginer Basecodes Inspiration/Background Brushes

June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 October 2008 November 2008 February 2009 May 2009 June 2009 November 2009
yours truly.
Hello. My name is farhanah also kwn as fana.
:D! Give me presents! On o5o693 :D
I study in BukitPanjangGovtHighSch , haha.:D
I love everyone!:D
i'm currently attached/single:D
A player who loves NETBALL :D
A girl who enjoys LIFE :D
since 151109, 7.45 p.m. ;DD

Sunday, November 29, 2009!
fana HandWritten on; 3:09 AM

a lot alot ALOT of things had just ended.
like prom nite for example.
it was a FABULOUS nite;D
we had a lot of fun actually.
but, the exciting part is actually the preparation part.
like wadever you do in life, its not the event or the accomplishment that matters,
its the process reaching that point, like what the song THE CLIMB means.
yeahh, its true.
but wad the hell, its over !
i dno whether to be sad or happy but its over !

yepp, next is hari raya haji:D
its also over !
but i didnt spend it quite well.
i jus end up sitting at home.
maybe bcos my fam having sum tiny problems here and there.
well, not my fam actually, its my relatives.
but nevertheless, the takbir never fails to make me feel the old times,
how hari raya os suppose to feel like;D
hahah !

and of cos, wow i miss him.
can understand that?
hahahha, its jus I MISS HIM manymany times;D
but nvm, his coming home tdy!
and i cant wait to talk to him!!!
hahahha, cant wait for his msg !!!
well, cya next time;D

kasih disalut dengan kejujuran, itulah CINTA.

Thursday, November 19, 2009!
fana HandWritten on; 11:58 PM


first week after Os , haha.

and weirdly, i spent it in the hospital.

yeahh, i did, for 3 straight days.

it was.... boring at the same time exciting, interesting and fun !

esp if ur with ur frends.

hahah !

we had a so called work attachment at tan tock seng hosp.

we learnt alot !

about its hist, the way a hosp works, to the way docs work and move around.

well, i say that working in healthcare isnt dat easy.

you need alot of patience and strength to go thru every single day

without any traouble.

but i bet the docs,nurses and whoever working in hops dnt regret rite?

cos its rather interesting, esp if u have interest in healthcare.

soo, heres sum pic;D








thats all!

fana HandWritten on; 5:06 AM

As some of you know, my one year anni jus passed.
so heres smtg for my guy;D

i would be more than happy to be your girl sayang.
you have been the best friend and lover to me.
wad more can i ask for in my life?
all i can do is thank God for allowing me to meet you.

for the past year,
alot had happened.
we fought, laughed, smiled and many more.
no matter wad, u stay strong with me.
i know i can be a fuss, burden and an extra image n your life.
but i am diff, cos I LOVE YOU.

we stick to the PROMISE
and we shall last.

and i Mohd Hazmie Bin Ja'afar,
accept you once more,
and promise to be you true and loyal girlfriend;D

Monday, November 16, 2009!
fana HandWritten on; 2:05 AM

hey im back after so long.
and finally Os are over!

i knw there have been a misunderstanding going on recently here.
so lets jus settle this .
ive deleted every evidence of any spammer wadsoever.
and if the spammer were to visit again, heres smtg for you.
wtv that has happen in my life, itgs btwn me,myself and i.
and of cos by bf, and he knws, EVERYTHING.
so theres no point trying to make up stories of me to make me look bad.
cos i dnt care and i knw he doesnt too.
and im nt referring to anyone specific, izzat, im jus saying generally.
kay, next.
i wanna apologise to shirah and izzat.
wtv dat has happen i have already forgotten.
i dnt care if u goddam hate me or my life.
and i dnt nid to knw that.
but ty if u have informed me in the tagboard.
so, now, i hope things are clear,
wtv accusations u think i have made or hazmie had made, we apologise.
i just want this thing to be over.
so pls, if u hate me, just dnt bother kay to even enter my life again.
to the damn spammers,
go get a life.
cos u are just wasting ur time kay.
this blog is jus for me and my own postings.
only frends are invited if they wish to know abt my life.
the others jus leave.
i very much appreciate it.
thank you very much.

Monday, June 22, 2009!
fana HandWritten on; 8:01 PM

wow, few mre days to sch reopen yet,
i dnt feel like im ready to face the hard work towards o lvls.
but i have to be !
hmms, planning my time is smg im weak at.
and even if i do, i wot follow it !
so wads the point.
i got to have the spirit !
hai, alot of things going on at the same time.

but nevertheless,
im still loving him.
more than ever;D
i hope he reads this,
and when he does,
he will be smiling away.
haha !
i knw he will.
i knw him well enuf.
and i hope to knw him more then now.
and be with him.

byes !

Saturday, June 20, 2009!
fana HandWritten on; 12:33 AM

heyheyhey ! god, im in love,
so much in love;D

i'm really thankful to have found u, boy.
really, i am.
7 months and still going strong i must say.
this holiday have made us much more closer,
and understand each other better.
im glad ntg had gne wrong.
i hope all the things i do dont hurt you my dear.
for thats the last thing i will ever do in my life.

my life is filled with so much colours by you.
i've never experience this wonderful feeling before.
pls, let it stay.
and we shall make it last.
like how we promised it to be.

now, what i want is just YOU.
pls stay, and never go.
because that will hurt me so much , my dear.
and i hope our love will keep going on strong.


Monday, May 11, 2009!
fana HandWritten on; 4:35 AM

keh, the reason why im laughing is its been so long since i blogged and i know sum of u pple think my blog is dead right? hahahha.
well, its kinda of.

hmms, alot has happened.
so many that i didnt have the time to blog.
1) gamelan
2) mcs
3) me&him!

hahaha. gamelan uhs.
we got SILVER !
wohoo! hahaha.
altho its not the best, we still improved.
yeahh we did.
and im so happy about that.
everyone did well.
altho most of us came out with much regrets
bcos of the mistakes we've done,
we still got SILVER !
hmms, its a new thing for most of us.
so yeahh, mistakes are normal.
the important thing is that we've learnt from it yeah?
and many thanks to ckg marlina and ckg amran
for helping us thruout!
ntg can happen without them, really.

alryte, next thing is MCS !
Malay Cultural Society.
wow, wad an achievement.
im really2 happy to know that MCS has started.
its wad most of us are looking for in BPGHS.
sememangnya skolah ni skolah cine,
BUT this will change.
as of now, MCS will
naikkan semangat Melayu dlm skolah.
Insya Allah;D
hahahha. yeahh, dats wad i really hope for.
Malay Culture is very rich.
Much to learn from and admire.
We have yet to know the realy Malay Culture.
and one day, we shall know.
also, this is a good exposure to performances, outings and shows.
sumthing new for eveyone.

akhirnya !
so far, everything's fine and
i hope it will stay dis way.
cos, like wad u said,
this feeling is hard to come by.
and this feeling is a feeling we've never
felt before.
so i really want it to stay.
and last.
im the one ur looking for.

i love you;D

ohh, gotta cont with schwork.
byebye !

Wednesday, February 25, 2009!
fana HandWritten on; 3:35 AM

i'm sure you wonder why after so long, i decided to switch on my com, sit in front of it, and type out what im going to type to you pple.

my heart is really thorn, and very hard to fix now.
i was hurt, sure i was.
i told you, helped you in every way,
but still, u said those words.
you think i dnt understand?
but, no, i actually do.
very much.
you didnt see it didnt you?
but after all those i still didnt care
cos i tot the love btwn us will help you.
help you find out the reason.
sadly, this had to happen.
i regret, very much.
and im sorry.

you told me got to study, i know u do.
i helped u in the process.
i tried to, at least.
i rarely call you at night, dnt normally meet you.
and even sumtimes, dnt even contact with you much.
wad more you wan me to sacrifice?
i dnt mind doing all that.
cos i know u nid it.
i understand, very much.
when u had games, i tried to come down.
i waited for you after most games.
i dont mind.
then, now, ur results dropped.
& u say, time for me will decrease.
at first, its hard to understand.
but i did try.
i took time off from studying
& wrote u a letter so you will be motivated.
im glad u liked it ;D
but parents issue came, and worsens the situation.
i know family matters cant be helped.
so i just kept quiet even tho it hurt me so much.
blaming me for all the bad things dat had happened to you.
maybe it was my fault?
who knows, rite?
cos i forget things,
so maybe i was stupid enuf to forget about ur other commitment ,
was i?
maybe so.
so i choose to ignore.
but NOW, right NOW.
you say.
i gotta focus now.
cant spend much time with you.
nid to buck up.
now YOU tell me,
wads the cause of your results dropping?
ME is it?
wahh, the way you say it, it was mine.
cos i spent too much time with you did i?
cos i took so much time away from your studying time.

hey, i dont mind if you need me to sacrifice kay .
but i just am really hurt cos
you treat as tho im the cause of ur results dropping,
and ur parents acting like how they did.
or wtv it is.

i ask you smtg, now ur results are dropping,
why not stop ur sport activities and othe commitments too.
so u can focus?
and why aren't they the cause of ur results dropping??
why let it be my feelings dats sacrificed alone?
sumore for smtg i didnt really do.

if you nid me to help you study, i can okay.
im more than happy.
if you nid me to give you time to study i can.
indirectly blaming me for wtv that's happen isnt fair okay.
really isnt.
ep for me.

i too nid to study.
i too got bad results.
i too got other much more impt commiments.
but i still balanced everything.
and put ur feelings first.

i jus am really sad,
cos i tot ur love for me will prevent this.
but it didnt.

finally, i regret feeling wad i feel rite now.
but i cant changed it alrd.
its fixed,

for now.